Regarding September 23


Throughout history, there have been those who have predicted our planet's imminent doom, and those who have lost sleep over such predictions. Now it's being said that the beginning of the end of the world as we know it will commence this Saturday, September 23. 

How is a Christian to respond, particularly when some point to the Bible as evidence for their predictions?

Dr. Brian Irwin tackles that question for us, in this week's blog. An Associate Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures at Knox College (part of the Toronto School of Theology of which Wycliffe College is also a member), he teaches the course, “You, Your Congregation, and the End of the World.” 


Update on September 22, 2017:

Dr. Glen Taylor, Professor of Scripture and Global Christianity at Wycliffe College, writes a follow-up blog post on how he finds the hype of the prediction rather "healthy, refreshing and appropriate."