Graham Library

>> Visit the Graham Library website for the latest information on services and hours
Library and information resources for students at Wycliffe College are available in the John W. Graham Library, at Trinity College across the road from Wycliffe. Since 2000 the Graham Library has comprised the merged Wycliffe and Trinity College collections. It serves as an important resource for Anglican studies and a base for scholars from all parts of the world. In collaboration and ecumenical cooperation with five other Toronto School of Theology (TST) libraries and the University of Toronto Library (UTL), the Graham Library functions both as a theological and general reference library. It is one of the fifty or so libraries that comprise the University of Toronto Library (UTL) system, to which all students have access. In addition, Robarts Library, the central university library, houses internationally recognized theological research collections. These collections are significantly funded and selected by, or in consultation with, the TST libraries.
The Graham Library, with total holdings in excess of 180,000 volumes, occupies all four floors of the renovated arts-and-crafts building of the Munk Centre. There are about 270 reader spaces, including individual open carrels, large study tables, group study rooms, computer workstations, and lounge seating. A well-equipped electronic classroom with 10 workstations is available for instruction in small groups and, at other times, for individual work. All 116 carrels and most other reader spaces have power and data access. There is wireless functionality. A media viewing room accommodates the use of digital and other resources by small groups.
The Graham Library continues to add to its collection of over 75,000 volumes in theological disciplines. Some current areas of specialization that reflect educational commitments are:
- Biblical: Old Testament and New Testament, Jewish contexts, New Testament Greek, Pauline biography, textual criticism.
- Historical: English Reformation, Post-Reformation Church of England, English Evangelical Revival, recusant history, missions (Anglican), Anglican Communion and Global Anglicanism, Anglican Church of Canada.
- Theological: Anglicanism (high church, low church, evangelical), evangelicalism, Anglo-Catholicism, Oxford Movement.
- Pastoral: Anglican worship and liturgy, homiletics, youth ministry, Anglican theological foundations of education, Lambeth Conferences. The Library has a large collection of parish histories from locations across Canada.
The Graham Library subscribes to over 200 print periodicals in the theological disciplines for scholarly and professional research and for casual reading. These are supplemented by an extensive list of online journals, many of them full-text.
Electronic Resources
The Library has access to a vast range of electronic resources through the UTL, including online indexes, e-books, e-reference, and e-journals. The Library has significant holdings of stand-alone CD-ROM resources in the theological disciplines, broadly defined. The Library website includes an Anglican Authors section containing links to primary works, secondary material and other resources relating to authors in the Anglican tradition since 1534. It also has an extensive listing of online resources for students and clergy in the Pastor's Electronic Library.
Special Collections
The Graham Library's rare book and special collections are principally theological with strengths in Anglicanism. Trinity's foundation SPCK and Strachan Collections, which comprise mainly eighteenth to nineteenth century theological works, are complemented by other rare books from both Wycliffe and Trinity, including extensive holdings of the Book of Common Prayer.
Library Services
Library orientation and bibliographic instruction appropriate to the requirements of students is provided by the Graham Library staff on an ongoing basis. In addition, specially tailored workshops are offered from time to time to meet the needs of students and faculty.
In collaboration and ecumenical cooperation with five other TST libraries and the University of Toronto (UTL), the Graham Library functions both as a theological and general reference library. It is one of 50 or so libraries that form part of the UTL system. Students registered through Wycliffe may use any of the libraries in the UTL system. The Robarts library, the central university library, houses internationally recognized theological research collections.
Please visit the Graham Library website to view the full range of resources and services available to Wycliffe students. Specifically, scroll down to "Theological Resources." You may also watch the Library's welcome video for a visual experience.