Reformed Studies

Draw on the riches of the Reformed tradition while pursuing your theological education at one of Canada’s top seminaries.
The Reformed House of Studies (RHS) at Wycliffe College leverages Wycliffe's quality seminary offerings while engaging with the riches of the Reformed tradition to prepare students for Christian ministry through biblical and theological education, practical training, cohort learning, and extracurricular learning opportunities. Faculty and staff from evangelical and Reformed traditions serve as advisors and mentors for students of the RHS.
Complete a Concentration in Reformed Studies as part of a Wycliffe MTS or MDiv degree program.
*Complete in 2-8 years, based on chosen program option.
Or, complete an Advanced Degree (MA, ThM, PhD, DMin).
The Reformed House of Studies (RHS) offers Courses, Conferences and a Cohort.
Expository Preaching (Intensive)Bryan ChapellFebruary 20-23, 2024This course explores the rationale for and methods of Christ-centered preaching in local church contexts. Students will first concentrate on key components of expository messages and then focus on how to ensure such sermons remain true to the redemptive message of all of Scripture by considering principles in biblical theology as they apply to various texts and genres of Scripture. In addition, we will explore how the gospel of grace revealed throughout Scripture motivates and empowers the Christian life.
Covenant Theology (Intensive)Michael AllenOctober 29 - November 1, 2024An introduction to the study of Scripture as God’s inspired and authoritative Word and to the practice of biblical reasoning in shaping Christian faith and practice. Major themes include theological method and the interpretation of Scripture; God’s self-revelation in the history of redemption, culminating in Christ; the unity of Scripture in the unfolding of the covenant story; and the role of covenant in theology and ethics. Students explore historic texts from the early Reformed tradition as well as recent accounts of its shape and significance for theology today. |
Reformed Worship and Polity (Intensive)Chad Van DixhoornJune 2-6, 2025Reformed Worship and Polity is a lecture and discussion based intensive course. Students examine key biblical passages and their interpretations in the Reformed tradition as they bear on liturgy, ecclesiology and church governance. Students will also read classic writings that illustrate the development of Reformed understandings of worship and polity. Upon completion of the course students will be better equipped to engage in the tasks of pastoral care, team leadership and the construction of a Reformed worship service.
Reformed House of Studies Annual Conference
Sponsored by the Priscilla and Stanford Reid Trust
Reviving the Church: Learning from the Spirituality of the ReformationDr. Michael Haykin Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn [TBA] June 7, 2025 | 9:30 am - 3:00 pm| Wycliffe College "You who seek God, let your hearts revive" (Ps 69:32). Revival has been fervently sought in various seasons of the Church's life. "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?" (Ps 85:6). Even while revival seems to languish, we live before a God determined to wake up the sleepy and raise up the dead (Hos 6:2). At our 2025 conference we will consider together the spiritual vision of key Reformers and Reformed movements, including their legacy and implications for the church today. Register here. |
Past Conferences:2024 - Resourcing the Church: Attending to the Whole Counsel of GodDr. Michael Allen (Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando) 2023 - Reforming the Church: Learning from the Westminster DivinesDr. Chad Van Dixhoorn (Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary) |
The Reformed House of Studies Cohort is composed of RHS faculty, staff, and students in the Reformed Studies concentration at Wycliffe College. Other students within the TST and alumni of Wycliffe College are welcome to participate. The cohort meets once a month through the academic year to engage a variety of topics and issues of pastoral interest from a Reformed perspective.
For the 2024-25 academic year, the Cohort will meet one Monday each month from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, with lunch provided. See calendar below.
*Students must RSVP to participate.
Interested in participating? Email
Date |
Topic |
Soft Skill |
September 23 |
Gospel Theology |
Intro to Soft Skills |
October 21 |
Gospel Renewal |
The Leader’s Heart |
November 18 |
Gospel Contextualization |
Leading Others in Worship |
December 16 |
City Vision |
Leading in an Anxious Age |
January 20 |
Cultural Engagement |
Leadership Triage |
February 24 |
Missional Community |
Evangelism |
March 17 |
Integrative Ministry |
How to Run a Meeting |
April 28 |
Movement Dynamics |
Finances and Budget |
"The establishment of a Reformed House at Wycliffe College is a most encouraging development. Wycliffe has long had a reputation for academic excellence in the Anglican tradition and to see that now broadened into the Reformed world is great news. I hope the House proves a significant source of spiritual and intellectual vitality for the Reformed churches in Canada."
- Carl Trueman
Email to find out more - or sign up for our newsletter HERE. |
RHS Faculty
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Michael Allen Rev. Dr. Michael Allen (PhD, Wheaton College) is the John Dyer Trimble Professor of Systematic Theology and Academic Dean of Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando. Dr. Allen has been a Visiting Fellow of the Faculty of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. He previously taught at Knox Theological Seminary for five years, where he held the Kennedy Chair of Systematic Theology. He is a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America and serves as Theologian-in-Residence at NewCity Orlando PCA. Dr. Allen and his wife, Emily, have two sons, Jackson and Will. |
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Bryan Chapell Rev. Dr. Bryan Chapell (PhD, Southern Illinois University Carbondale) is Pastor Emeritus of the historic Grace Presbyterian Church and President Emeritus of Covenant Theological Seminary. He now leads the Administrative Committee of the Presbyterian Church in America. His preaching and teaching are broadcast in many nations through Unlimited Grace Media, and are also available at He is the author of many books, including The Hardest Sermons You’ll Ever Have to Preach and Christ-centered Preaching, a preaching textbook now in multiple editions and many languages. He and his wife, Kathy, have four adult children, and a growing number of grandchildren. |
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Michael Haykin Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin, (ThD, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto), FRHistS, is the Reformed House of Studies' Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe College. He is chair and professor of church history at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, which is based at Southern Seminary. Dr. Haykin is also on the core faculty of Heritage Seminary, Cambridge, Ontario, where he is the professor of church history, and leads the Canadian office of the Andrew Fuller Center. He has written widely on Christianity in Late Antiquity and 18th-century British Dissent. |
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Jessica Joustra Dr. Jessica Joustra (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is assistant professor of religion and theology at Redeemer University. She also serves as the director of the Albert M. Wolters Centre for Christian Scholarship at Redeemer University and an associate researcher at the Neo-Calvinist Research Institute at the Theological University of Kampen in the Netherlands. |
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Chad Van Dixhoorn Rev. Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn (PhD, Cambridge University) is Professor of Church History and Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte. He also serves as an honorary research fellow at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. Born and raised in Ontario, Dr. Van Dixhoorn has held a number of additional teaching positions and has also served as associate pastor at Cambridge Presbyterian Church (UK) and also at Grace Presbyterian Church (Vienna, VA) for nine years. He is happily married to Emily Van Dixhoorn and they have five children and two dogs. |
RHS Director
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Lyndon Jost Rev. Dr. Lyndon Jost (PhD, Wycliffe College and University of Toronto) is Associate Pastor of Christ Church Toronto (PCA) and serves as the Director of the Reformed House of Studies. Previously he served for seven years as a pastor at Grace Toronto Church and before that worked with children and youth for a decade in urban and rural contexts in Canada and internationally. Lyndon is an adjunct faculty member at Ryle Seminary in Ottawa and Redeemer University in Ancaster, ON. He and his wife, Lami, together with their four children live on the east side of Toronto. |
*The Advisory Council provides strategic guidance and expertise in the decision-making processes of the Reformed House of Studies. Paul Carter Paul Carter is the happy husband of Shauna Lee and the proud papa of 5 beautiful children, Madison, Max, Mikayla, Peyton and Noa. He attended Moody Bible Institute and is a graduate of York University (B.A.) and McMaster Divinity College (MDiv). He has been in pastoral ministry since 1994, serving in both Fellowship and Canadian Baptist churches in Oakville, Mississauga and Orillia, Ontario Canada. He presently serves as the Lead Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church, Orillia, a large multi-staff church with a passion for biblical preaching and local mission. He is the host and Bible teacher on the “Into The Word” podcast.
Bill DeJongBill DeJong has served as a pastor for nearly 30 years in Canada and the US, most recently as the lead pastor of Blessings Christian Church in Hamilton, ON. Dr. DeJong also serves as a Fellow of the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology (Cambridge, UK) and as chair of the Scripture and Church Seminar for the Institute for Biblical Research. He is excited to play a part in the spiritual formation of faculty and staff at Redeemer University as well as teach some courses. |
Barnabas EmenoguBarnabas Emenogu is an Archdeacon in the Anglican Network in Canada and the Rector of All Saints Anglican Church GTA in Mississauga. He is also a Sessional Lecturer in Research at the Ontario Institute for Studies in education (OISE-UT) and a veteran community leader. Dr. Emenogu holds a Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto and is currently working on a thesis for an MA. in Theology at Wycliffe College. He is passionate about Christian evangelism, working with youth and young adults, teaching, and preaching the word of God in a simple practical way, and mentoring Christian leaders. Married to Dr. Gloria N Emenogu, an Educator and ministry leader, together they have been blessed with four adult children, a son-in-law and two grandchildren. |
Kyle HackmannKyle Hackmann is the senior pastor of Christ Church Toronto (PCA). After graduating from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with an MDiv, Rev. Hackmann served in various church plants before accepting a call as the Associate Pastor of Grace Toronto Church where he served for seven years. From there, he set out to plant Christ Church Toronto, beginning in January 2017. He and his wife Kim have four daughters and live on the east side of the city. |
Jessica JoustraJessica Joustra is an Assistant Professor of Religion and Theology and Director of the Albert M. Wolters Centre for Christian Scholarship at Redeemer University (ON, Canada). She is also an Associate Researcher at the Neo-Calvinist Research Institute of the Theologische Universiteit Kampen (Netherlands), and teaches adjunct with the Reformed House of Studies at Wycliffe College. |
Charles LeeCharles Chang Soo Lee (MCS, Regent College, MDiv & ThM, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary) is a lead pastor of New Hope Fellowship, English Ministry of Light Presbyterian Church, Mississauga, Ontario. Rev. Lee is married to Natalie and they have three children (Daniel, Stephen, Charis). |
Jessie SwigartJessie Swigart is the Dean of Academic Administration and Assistant Professor of Educational Ministries at Covenant Theological Seminary. Professor Swigart is passionate about creating challenging and compassionate spaces in which learners can grow together in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. She is working toward a PhD in Educational Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, IL, exploring professional identity formation in early career helping professionals. |