Anglican Communion Institute (ACI)

A Church of England Perspective on Anglican Arguments for Same Sex-Sex Marriage

The full version of this report (including footnotes) can be downloaded here in PDF format. Introduction: the development of the Anglican debate about same-sex relationships since 2000. In my previous roles as the Theological Secretary of the Church of England's Council for Christian Unity and Theological Consultant to its House of Bishops and in my current role as the Academic Consultant to the Church of England Evangelical Council, I have been tracking the development of the Anglican debate about same-sex relationships over the past fifteen years.

The New Episcopal Church: What Hath General Convention 2015 Wrought?

The Anglican Communion Institute has followed with care and interest the decisions of The Episcopal Church's (TEC's) General Convention 2015. We have pondered key aspects of these decisions, and spoken to a range of participants and members of the broader Anglican Communion. In summarizing our reflections, we note that the following things are clear: A Trial Rite for same-sex marriage (A054) was passed in the House of Bishops a) without a roll call vote and b) without a majority of all the Bishops entitled to vote, as prescribed by the Constitution.