Anglican Communion Institute (ACI)

Misrepresenting ACI’s concerns about the constitutionality of supplemental liturgical material

Tobias Haller occupies an important position at General Convention through his role on the Marriage Taskforce. We have engaged Mr. Haller through comments on blogs, and that engagement has yielded interesting information about what he thinks General Convention is legally capable of doing with respect to liturgical revision. We believe his reasoning is flawed on these matters, and we have stated our concerns straightforwardly.   More recently, on his own blog, he has attacked these statements of ours as being the product of simple “ignorance”.

How to think about Cross-Jurisdictional Episcopal Intervention in the ECUSA. A Proposal

How to think about Cross-Jurisdictional Episcopal Intervention in the ECUSA. A Proposal

I admire the admonition to faithfulness and holiness coming from many voices in our list- serve discussions that, like the prophets, we might speak the truth in love, and from a place of suffering not wasted because our Lord’s provisions and promises are sure. I agree this is God’s way.

Anglican Covenant Noll Evangelical Commentary 2007

Noll, Evangelical Commentary on Draft Covenant 1 June 07

Sec. 6: The Unity of the Communion

Proposed Amendment

(6) We acknowledge that in the most extreme circumstances, where member churches choose not to fulfil the substance of the covenant as understood by the Councils of instruments of the Communion, we will consider that such churches have relinquished membership in the Anglican Communion.