Continuing Education

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Develop new skills to help your faith group, church, or religious NGO navigate, design, and implement transformative change.

Our continuing education courses can be taken as stand-alone courses or as part of a Certificate in Faith-Based Community Development.


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Certificate in Faith-Based Community Development

Community leaders of faith-based organizations directly face the opportunities and challenges of their neighbourhoods, towns, and cities in Canada and internationally. Learn to employ place-based tools and practices to strengthen your organizational effectiveness, community resilience, and partnerships. Whether you’re an experienced director, a seasoned agent of social change, or a budding activist, join our community of faith-formed dialogue and learning. You’ll gain valuable insights, access to the latest resources and tools, and strengthen your vocational networks while feeding your soul!

This certificate is presented in collaboration with the University of Toronto, School of Continuing Studies

    What You'll Learn

    • Explore what our faith traditions both ancient and modern teach us about community, leadership, and well-being
    • Map and assess the assets and possibilities of our local contexts and neighbourhoods
    • Practise the facilitation of transformative adult and organizational learning
    • Build strategies for sustainable organizations and programs
    • Incorporate and celebrate diversity
    • Design and lead for effectiveness, mission, and good governance
    • Achieve collective change through partnership and citizen-based collaboration


    • Engagement with expert practitioners
    • Lively discussions about poverty and well-being in organizations and communities
    • Meaningful interaction about faith, values, leadership and meaning in community
    • Learning and practice applied to your own organizations and community settings
    • Access to theory, resources, tools, and coaching designed for adult and organizational learning


    Earn this Certificate in Faith-Based Community Development by completing any six courses. Four courses are available in 2021-22, with eight more to be launched over the next two years (listed below).

    • Intercultural Leadership and Learning
    • Toxic Development: Transforming Belief and Practice
    • Community Impact: Evaluation & Learning
    • Inspiring and Leading Staff, Boards & Volunteers
    • Shared Wellbeing: Indigenous and Settler Realities
    • The Art of Partnering and Collaboration
    • Poverty, Ecology and Biblical Justice: Citizen-Based Action & Advocacy
    • Bricks & Mortar: Communities Redeveloping Church Buildings


    Register for courses here. Upon completing your certificate requirements, you must request your certificate by submitting a Certificate Request Form.