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Get ready to be inspired spiritually and challenged academically. Wycliffe provides a wide range of courses across these different areas:

  • Biblical

  • Pastoral

  • Historical

  • Theological

  • Interdisciplinary

  • Field Education


Search our Course Listing

Find the right course by searching and filtering by keyword, professor, term and time of day.  You'll get a detailed description of the course.

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Flexible Course Offerings

We're flexible in our course offerings in order to accommodate your needs:

  • Complete the Master of Theological Studies program fully online. 

  • Combine in-person learning with select online classes.

  • Take one-week intensive courses in the Summer semester.

  • For the Master of Divinity program, take a year or more of required courses prior to a year of residence.

  • Simply take a course that interests you as an occasional student.


Auditing Courses

Auditing a course means you can sit in on class lectures and discussions, but you don’t do the assignments and you won’t be graded. We suggest you keep up with the assigned reading to ensure you get the most out of the course. Just search for the course you want to audit, and get the permission of the professor and registrar. Senior citizens and Wycliffe alumni receive a 50% discount. 

Learn more about Auditing a Course>>


Learning Online

Do you know that you can complete the Master of Theological Studies program entirely online? Learn about courses offered online every semester, as well as how to gain access.

Find out about Online/Distance Learning >>


Speaking with Us

If you have questions regarding courses or programs, we’re always available to help. 

Contact a Member of Our Admissions Department >>


Our Academic Policies

Become familiar with the particulars of programs and courses, like completing programs on time, studying part-time, transferring credits and extending assignments.

Review Our Academic Policies >>