The Jewish Gospel and Christian identity: an exploration in contextual discipleship
Where: Sheraton Hall, Wycliffe College, 5 Hoskin Ave, Toronto
When: Wednesday, March 26, 2025 - 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Admission: Free. No registration is required
Jesus was Jewish, and God’s enduring covenant with the people of Israel is central for understanding the essence of the Christian gospel. These two theological fundamentals present a host of questions about Christian identity and discipleship. In Christ, is there any ongoing meaningful distinction between Jew and Gentile? How can Christians faithfully follow Jesus, the Jewish Messiah? What does it look like for Christian faith to honor both unity in Christ, and the very real diversity that defines us and our communities? How do social and cultural particulars inform faithful discipleship? How does all of this relate to the God of Israel? Finally, what does all of this look like concretely in our daily lives of faith?
This event is open to the public and we hope to see you there!

Featured Speaker
Jennifer M. Rosner is affiliate associate professor of systematic theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. She also serves on the faculty of Azusa Pacific University, Messianic Jewish Theological Institute, and The King’s University. Her areas of expertise include contemporary Jewish-Christian relations, Judaism, and systematic theology.
Her current book project is tentatively titled The Jewish Gospel and Christian Identity: An Exploration in Contextual Discipleship (Baylor, forthcoming). She is also the author of Finding Messiah: A Journey Into the Jewishness of the Gospel (IVP, 2022) and Healing the Schism: Karl Barth, Franz Rosenzweig and the New Jewish-Christian Encounter (Lexham, 2021; Fortress Press, 2015).
About the Jocz Lecture
The Jacob Jocz annual event is part of a Jewish Christian and Messianic Studies academic initiative. It is built on the legacy of one of Wycliffe’s most celebrated faculty members, Rev Dr Jacob Jocz (1906-1983). This annual lectureship engages facets of Jewish Christianity and Messianic Judaism.