Wycliffe Community

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Community Life at Wycliffe College

The Wycliffe community is made up of students, faculty, and staff from a wide array of Christian denominations, backgrounds, and countries of origin. Our faculty and students not only learn together but also worship together, eat together, and serve together. There are many opportunities to be involved, from chapel services to student government to community dinners.

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Tuesday Community Dinners

Every week during the school year, students and their families are invited to a free community dinner immediately after Holy Communion on Tuesday.  But table fellowship isn’t limited to Tuesdays. Students, staff, professors, and friends frequently dine together in Wycliffe’s refectory, swapping Toronto tips, discussing upcoming papers, or simply enjoying each other’s fellowship.

Sign up at https://www.cognitoforms.com/WycliffeCollege/CommunityDinner202324.

Wycliffe College Student Council & Student Governance

Wycliffe is proud each year to support a talented and unflagging group of volunteers who serve on Wycliffe's student council. Student council events range from discussion lectures on contemporary topics to virtual games nights. Watch for student elections in the spring and fall, and check your email for meetings and events! Learn more>>

Wycliffe Graduate Society (WGS)

Wycliffe’s Advanced Degree students (MA, ThM, and doctoral) are all invited to participate in WGS activities.  Every Thursday we share a pizza lunch together, sometimes with a faculty member or visiting scholar presenting on their research or leading a discussion. We also use that time to have workshops (e.g. what is the best referencing software, how to prepare for comps, etc.) and simply to enjoy each other’s company! The AD students also have their own study room. 

Advanced Degree students also have a tradition of gathering at a local pub every other Monday afternoon for a casual theological discussion led by Wycliffe faculty. Topics have ranged from science fiction to being a theologian in wartime.

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Special Events

The Wycliffe year is marked by special annual events, including our Advent and Carols service, Christmas Dinner and Talent Show, At Home celebration, and Convocation.

Pub Night

On the last Friday of the month, Wycliffe opens its doors to the broader community for a spirited theological conversation over popcorn and a cold beverage. Learn more>>

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Old World Charm

Wycliffe's iconic red brick building was erected in the late Victorian era and expanded in the early 1900s.  You can read beside a period fireplace in the Soward Reading Room, attend lectures in the neo-Gothic Great Hall, and eat lunch in the lattice-windowed Refectory.  All our spaces host an energetic series of college events, student groups, conferences, and even the occasional film crew! 

Get a Glimpse of Wycliffe >>

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The University of Toronto Campus

Beyond our walls, the University of Toronto campus offers students an endless variety of resources.  Get involved with 300+ student clubs, work out at Hart House, join an intramural team, or book an appointment at a Writing Centre. Check out the comprehensive theological research collections available through the libraries of the Toronto School of Theology (TST) and the University of Toronto.  Or hang out at the cozy John W. Graham Library, just across the street, where Wycliffe's original library merged with Trinity College in 2000.

Check out Student Life at the University of Toronto >>