Give to Wycliffe

For more than 140 years, Wycliffe College has played a pivotal role in educating, training and forming men and women for service and leadership in the church and surrounding community.
In that time, Wycliffe has been showered with both prayers and the financial support of thousands of graduates and friends who have shared our commitment to intellectual rigour, evangelical vision, and practical action. Together, every gift and every giver has melded into one unbroken expression of stewardship and support for this vital Christian enterprise.
Today’s opportunities and needs are no less daunting than those of earlier generations. As our student population and our programs grow, Wycliffe College is challenged to meet the needs of a multi-million dollar budget. You can help us meet this challenge in two ways — by supporting the Annual Fund, and through Planned Giving, and we warmly invite your help!
Charitable Registration Number: 10822 3389 RR0001