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"Christopher Seitz is one of the freshest voices in biblical scholarship: learned, witty, and incisively theological. He provides more reasons for recovering the ‘Elder’ Testament as a source for Christian thinking." —Gary A. Anderson, Hesburgh Professor of Catholic Theology, Notre Dame University The Elder Testament: Canon, Theology, Trinity (Baylor University Press, 2018), the latest published work by Christopher Seitz, Senior Research Professor at Wycliffe College, is a theological introduction to the canonical unity of the Scriptures of Israel. He demonstrates that, while an emphasis on
Wycliffe's Professor of Historical Theology, Ephraim Radner, was interviewed about his new book, Time and the Word: Figural Reading of the Christian Scriptures (Eerdmans, 2016), by Jonathan J. Armstrong of Aqueduct Project. In this interview, the two men discuss what gave rise to the book, Christian concepts of time now and in the past, and figural reading of the Old Testament (i.e., how Christians interpret the Old Testament scriptures). Professor Radner says that one of his hopes in writing Time and the Word was "to try to lift up - intellectually, theologically - what is still a lively way
Wycliffe Professor of Scripture and Global Christianity Glen Taylor says the recent Supreme Court of Canada decision against Trinity Western University (TWU) ought to raise the concerns of every Canadian who cares about freedom of expression. Learn why he thinks so, at his blog post, "Why the Supreme Court Decision against Trinity Western University is Wrong."
Insight is a bi-annual magazine published by Wycliffe College. The latest Spring/Summer 2018 edition is now available online!
Wycliffe College Professor of Old Testament and Graduate Director Marion Taylor presented a paper at the annual meeting of The Canadian-American Theological Association (CATA) in Regina on May 27, 2018. Marion, who is a past-president of CATA, titled her paper, “ Nineteenth-century Women Wrestling with Pauline Texts,” and highlighted part of her research on women’s writings on Paul for a book she and Wycliffe professor Catherine Sider-Hamilton have been contracted to write for Eerdmans . T his blog post, In support of women preaching, has been excerpted from her paper.
What does a person's faith in Jesus Christ have to do with how that person votes? And how can theology inform our political thinking and engagement? As Ontarians prepare to go to the polls next week, it seemed a timely opportunity to revisit a previously published interview with Wycliffe College Professor of Historical Theology, Ephraim Radner, in which he addresses the topic. This week's blog excerpts Faith Today's feature story titled, "Is Christ Relevant to Politics?" and highlight's Professor Radner's conviction that "Theology can inform anything we do."
All the world’s abuzz with talk of this weekend’s royal wedding. For Christians, a wedding ceremony is a sacred celebration that includes promises that a couple makes before God. Meghan and Harry are both members of the Church of England, which is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion, one of the expressions of the Christian faith. Peter Robinson, Professor of Proclamation, Worship and Ministry here at Wycliffe College, sheds some light on the anticipated proceedings for us in this week's blog post.
Space is still available! The deadline for both Master of Divinity (MDiv) and Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degrees for this year was May 31, 2018 . However, we continue to accept applications as space permits. Please submit your application soon to secure consideration for Fall 2018. If you're discerning your call or have questions about Wycliffe College, please contact us at or 416-946-3535 ext. 3547.