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Throughout history, there have been those who have predicted our planet's imminent doom, and those who have lost sleep over such predictions. Now it's being said that the beginning of the end of the world as we know it will commence this Saturday, September 23. How is a Christian to respond, particularly when some point to the Bible as evidence for their predictions? Dr. Brian Irwin tackles that question for us, in this week's blog. An Associate Professor of Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures at Knox College (part of the Toronto School of Theology of which Wycliffe College is also a member), he
The flood waters may still be raging in Houston and the death counts rising, but already, people are starting to point fingers of blame. It may be a natural, human reaction. In the midst of enormous anguish and suffering, it's common to want to know why such tragedy happens. Some blame God. Others look elsewhere for a scapegoat. But beyond asking "why?" or pointing fingers, what is a Christian to do? Wycliffe College Professor of Historical Theology, Ephraim Radner, tackles that question for the blog.
What we believe matters. It matters because beliefs ultimately shape how we live; that's what Charlottesville, Virginia shows us. People who believe in violence may resort to violence. People who believe they are somehow better than others, that others are somehow subhuman, may act their beliefs out with tragic consequences. The terrible events of recent days in Charlottesville drive home this reality. As a Christian seminary, Wycliffe College is in the important business of helping people wrestle out what they believe. We hold to certain essential beliefs, rooted in the historic Christian
As Wycliffe College gears up to mark the 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant Reformation, we cannot help but turn our eyes to our own roots. And there's no better person to dig into the past than Thomas Power, Adjunct Professor of Church History, and Theological Librarian here at Wycliffe. Power says it's appropriate that the College marks the anniversary of the Reformation because Wycliffe's ideology, beliefs and values are rooted in that historic event. “Wycliffe College was founded in and stands by the tradition of the Reformers,” he explains. “Its reformed ethos is reflected
The Lord's Prayer, edited by Karen Stiller, senior editor of Faith Today, with a foreword by Professor Tom Power, is a collection of essays by Wycliffe College faculty. The essays ponder each line of this foundational prayer and guide us more deeply into a sense of God's holiness, a sense of our broken and redeemed selves, and a glimpse of his kingdom coming. The book is now available and may be purchased on the Wipf and Stock Publishers website.
While scholars concur that there have been several reformations throughout church history, there is only one that people tend to think of when they refer to “The Reformation,” and that is the Protestant Reformation. It began in 1517 when a German monk and theologian named Martin Luther circulated his Ninety-Five Theses, which objected to certain practices by the Roman Catholic Church. Alec Ryrie is Professor of the History of Christianity at Durham University. This fall, he will be a featured guest as Wycliffe College marks the 500 th anniversary of that historic occurrence, by hosting a
Applications are now being accepted for the Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree program at the Toronto School of Theology. The deadline for completed applications to be received by the DMin office is 4:30 pm (Eastern Standard Time), November 24, 2017. Updated information on TST colleges, programs, financial aid, and admissions procedures may be found at under “Prospective Students”. Admission requirements for the DMin program may be found at The online application form, along with application instructions and a list of
Last week, the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada announced the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Scott Sharman as animator for ecumenical and interfaith relations. Dr. Sharman is a Wycliffe graduate, and so we invited him to blog for us about his new role, which begins September 1, 2017, and how his Wycliffe education helped to prepare him for it.
On the Wycliffe blog this week, Dr. Catherine Sider-Hamilton shares some of the journey of learning and thinking that gave rise to her new book, The Death of Jesus in Matthew: Innocent Blood and the End of Exile.
Prospective students, current students and alumni of Wycliffe College and Toronto School of Theology, we would like to share some good news with you. The University of Toronto has recently been named no. 1 in Canada, and no. 11 internationally, for “Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies,” by the QS World University Rankings. This bodes well for the academic reputation of your degree, and for excellence in the Toronto School of Theology programs, including those of Wycliffe College. Toronto is also listed as one of the top three student-friendly cities in Canada.