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Dear Friends and Colleagues, Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. Psalm 91: 5-6. I am writing to you at an extraordinary time at the College. The coronavirus is making its exponential assault around the globe as governments implement ever more stringent policies in order to retard the spread of the disease. And so, here on 5 Hoskin Avenue, we have initiated drastic measures. We have closed our classrooms, and have begun to teach out the remaining
For the latest updates on Wycliffe College's response to the coronavirus situation, please visit Updated: March 13, 2020, 2:00 P.M. EST Attention Students: Acting out of an abundance of caution and in the interests of protecting the health and safety of community members, effective Monday, March 16, 2020 all in-person classes at Wycliffe College will be moved to a format using remote access using webinar technology. This change does not affect online classes currently underway. Faculty and staff will (primarily) work from home, coordinating efforts to ensure all
Since last summer, Toronto artist, Joyce Shin has been working with Wycliffe College to create original artwork depicting figures from Christian history like John Wycliffe, Thomas Cranmer, Julian of Norwich and others. Her elegant illustrations have become popular collector’s items throughout the Wycliffe and wider UofT communities. We spoke to Joyce about her work for Wycliffe. Q: Prior to your involvement, had you ever heard of Wycliffe College? JS: Honestly, no! I am, however, so glad to have learned about Wycliffe’s deep roots, beautiful space, and wonderful people through my recruitment
The University of Toronto has prepared a public information page, which it will be updating regularly, regarding COVID-19, the Coronavirus. Members of the Wycliffe College community are encouraged to visit this page for helpful information and resources.
Hard Words for Desperate Times: Going Deep with Ezekiel, edited by Caleb Gundlach, PhD candidate at Wycliffe College and the Toronto School of Theology, is now available. He is also Adjunct Instructor at Gannon University in Erie, Pennsylvania. Book summary from the publisher " The challenge of reading the Old Testament as Christian Scripture is nowhere more evident than in the book of Ezekiel. Its judgmental attitude, harsh words, and bizarre imagery provoke Christian readers who, familiar with the gospel, are unsure of what to do with such a strange book. This volume from the Wycliffe
Admissions for September 2020 entry are now open for the following programs! The application deadline is May 31, 2020. Master of Divinity (MDiv) Master of Theological Studies (MTS) Master of Theological Studies in Development (MTSD) MDiv and MTS combined Certificate and Diploma programs If you have any inquiries, please contact the admissions office at
A Confusion of Printers: The Role of Print in the English Reformation by Pearce J. Carefoote, head of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, is now available. It is the first title of the Wycliffe Studies in History, Church, and Society series, originally given as the Founders' Day Memorial lecture in October 2019. Book summary "The social history of the Reformation era remains a constant source of fascination for scholars. Of particular focus are the ways in which the movement intersected with print to help give birth to
Yesterday, Wycliffe College celebrated the careers and retirement of Dr. John Bowen, Professor Emeritus of Evangelism, and Dr. Terry Donaldson, Professor Emeritus of New Testament. Students, colleagues, families, and friends came together in the Great Hall to express their gratitude and well-wishes toward these two remarkable scholars/teachers/mentors/evangelists. Their faith and accomplishments will continue to inspire us, and their presence will certainly be missed around the College! An audio recording of the event is available at
When someone gives you a gift - especially when it is something you love, something that has deep historical significance, and something that can help in cultivating your relationship with God by enhancing times of worship, it's a good reason to celebrate. And that's just what happened in the Wycliffe chapel on Wednesday, January 15, 2020, as our community came together for a service of celebration and thanksgiving when 60 brand new copies of the Book of Common Prayer - a gift from the Prayer Book Society of Canada - were dedicated. Compiled by Thomas Cranmer in 1549, he intended the Book of
At Wycliffe College, we delight in recognizing that God calls both women and men to service – including to teaching, missions, and pastoral ministries - according to the gifts and abilities God has given them. According to recent data from The Association of Theological Schools (ATS), at Wycliffe College our ratio of men to women among full-time faculty members is 50-50. This compares to an average 85-15 split among other Evangelical Protestant Schools tracked by ATS.