Wycliffe College Anti-Racism Statement

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After days of anti-Black racism protests around the globe responding to violence arising from centuries of racial oppression and systemic injustice—on Friday, June 5, 2020 at their regularly scheduled monthly meeting, Wycliffe College’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the following statement:

“We affirm the dignity of every human being as a beloved creature made in the image of God, and we treasure the kingdom values of peace, justice, reconciliation, and loving concern for the marginalised. We are deeply saddened by the sin of racism that pervades our churches and society, and by our own blindness to it and to the pain that such racism and blindness cause. We repent of the prejudice that resides in our own hearts. We pledge ourselves to courses of action that promote awareness of racism in its systemic and personal forms and that will identify and remove any discriminatory practices within the College. And as those who have been reconciled to God in Christ, we will seek to prepare leaders for a reconciling ministry that includes ‘all races and tribes, nations, and languages’ (Revelation 7:9).”

After the meeting, Board Chair Carol Boettcher said, “As a Board, we condemn racial injustice. We also understand the importance of repentance, and of the need to listen and to learn. In partnership with the Wycliffe College community, we are committed to pursuing meaningful paths that will translate this statement into action.” Wycliffe College Anti-Racism Statement in PDF