News & Media

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Wycliffe College organized this year's Toronto Children's Ministry Conference, which took place on Saturday, Nov 2 at Tyndale University College and Seminary. Well attended with about 430 participants, it was a wonderful day of worship, teaching, sharing, and connecting with old and new friends who share a passion for ministering to children. Thanks to all the speakers, attendees, volunteers, and sponsors who made the event a success!
It's not too late to register for courses during the Winter 2020 semester. Wycliffe has some exciting new offerings beginning in January, including: Introduction to Christian Apologetics : The Art and Science of Christian Persuasion. This online course, taught by Andy Bannister aims to equip students with the analytical tools to engage contemporary cultural issues as they relate to matters of faith. John Wesley: Catholic Evangelical. This course, which will take place on Tuesdays, is available for remote access. (Come to Wycliffe or participate from where you are!) Taught by Victor Shepherd
Wycliffe's new Lord and Lady Coggan Professor of New Testament, Dr Stephen Chester, will deliver his inaugural lecture Wednesday, November 27, 2019. Reception from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Great Hall, followed by the lecture. You are warmly invited to attend. Martin Luther notoriously labelled the biblical book of James as "the epistle of straw." Dr Chester's lecture will explore Luther's position and the often-misunderstood rationale that lay behind his treatment of James. Luther's views will then be brought into dialogue with those of recent canonical interpreters of James in order to ask how
Wycliffe College congratulates the following alumni on the recent publication of their new books: Lissa Wray Beale for Joshua (The Story of God Bible Commentary) Amanda W. Benckhuysen for The Gospel According to Eve: A History of Women’s Interpretation Dane Neufeld for Scripture, Skepticism, and the Character of God: The Theology of Henry Mansel Gord Oeste who with Bill Webb wrote Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric? Wrestling with Troubling War Texts Ian J. Vaillancourt for The Multifaceted Saviour of Psalms 110 and 118: A Canonical Exegesis
On Friday, October 18, 2019, Wycliffe College once again hosted The Scripture and Theology Colloquium - a semi-annual gathering of faculty, pastors, students, and others who are interested in exploring the dynamic interactions of scripture and theology. With a panel of world-class experts, October's event explored the Theopolitics of Mark 13. Enjoy these glimpses of the day.
This month, Wycliffe College launched the Wycliffian campaign in celebration of the College’s namesake, John Wycliffe. One of the forerunners of the Reformation, he stood for biblical truth, and modelled both courage and conviction. Toronto-based designer-illustrator Joyce Shin reimagined Wycliffe’s appearance in a contemporary, artful rendering. Using her design, the College created limited edition stickers, magnets, and coasters, and has been giving them out for free, as an expression of our appreciation to students, alumni and event guests. People are sharing photos of these Wycliffian
Applications are now accepted for Fall 2020 admission into the MA, ThM and PhD degree programs. Applications are made to the Graduate Centre for Theological Studies (GCTS) at the Toronto School of Theology. The deadline for completed applications to be received by the GCTS Office is 4:30 pm (EST), December 13, 2019. The online application form, along with application instructions and a list of necessary supporting materials, may be found at If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the GCTS Office at gcts
On Tuesday, Sept 24, more than 150 participants attended Wycliffe College's 17th Annual Principal's Dinner , joining scientist, theologian, minister, and intellectual historian Dr Alister McGrath to discuss the topic of "Unity of the Kingdom." Principal Stephen Andrews' address opened the conversation: "Winston Churchill is credited with saying, ‘Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.’ Of course, the truth in this statement lies in his observation that all politics must be worked out ‘in this world of sin and woe.’ Every system of human organisation – from
On September 25, the Wycliffe College-sponsored public lecture "Einstein's God: A Theory of Everything (That Matters)" with featured speaker Alister McGrath and Q&A panellists Michael Ramsden, Barth Netterfield, and moderator Wesley Huff, was held at Knox Presbyterian Church. It explored the religious views of Albert Einstein, one of the greatest scientific minds of the last century. It was a thought-provoking evening with 450 people in attendance. The speakers unpacked the difference between the "cosmic religious feeling" of Einstein, which drove him into a sense of awe and purpose, and the
On Sunday, September 15, 2019, Wycliffe College returns to its roots and leads the Choral Eucharist service at St. James Cathedral—the place of our founding—to mark the annual celebration known as “Founders Day.” Faculty and students will do the readings, lead the prayers, and serve the Eucharist (Communion). The Rev. Canon Dr Annette Brownlee will preach. The Cathedral Church of St. James is located at 106 King Street East in Toronto. The service begins at 11:00 a.m. Students are expected to attend. All are welcome.