COVID-19 Response: Convocation Spring 2020

On Wednesday, March 25, 2020, the University of Toronto announced that its June convocation ceremonies will be postponed.  Likewise, all May convocation ceremonies at Toronto School of Theology will be postponed.  

At Toronto School of Theology, we share the disappointment expressed in President Gertler’s letter, and want to assure our students that those who complete their degree requirements on time will still graduate and receive their degrees and parchments as they become available.  

Each Toronto School of Theology College is making plans for the rescheduling of its convocation. Given the changing situation, all of those details are not yet in place. Each College will be in contact with its own students to confirm alternate plans. 

This decision was not taken lightly. We look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements when the Convocation ceremonies are able to take place.