News & Media

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Dear Members of the Wycliffe College Community, On Friday, the University of Toronto announced its decision to delay the start of the Winter term by one week. President Gertler reflects the concern of all academic administrators for the wellness of students, faculty, and staff when he writes, “We want to make sure that you’re able to rest and recharge, and to make the most of the upcoming holiday break.” As a result, the heads of the TST colleges have agreed to adjust the start of our term also. Please note the following important changes: The teaching semester will begin on 11 January 2021
Dear Members of the Wycliffe College Community, Today I received a letter addressed to me, members of staff and faculty, and the Board of Trustees of the College. It was signed by forty individuals who are either current students, former students, or who have (or had) a role as a member of our staff or adjunct faculty. The letter expresses a concern for those in our community who are vulnerable to sexual violence, abuse, and harassment, and the letter’s signatories believe that Wycliffe College has not been a place where victims and survivors can seek truth and healing. They call upon us to
Dear Wycliffe College Community, As we approach the middle of the Fall term, I want to give an update on how things are going at the College and on what we can expect for the next term. Let me begin by remarking on what an extraordinary beginning it has been to the academic year. We have all had to reframe our understanding of how to foster learning and build community in the context of our isolation. I realise that for staff, faculty, and students, this has presented formidable challenges. The new classroom-in-the-home environment is not always the most conducive to teaching or learning, and
The symptoms of COVID-19 can resemble a cold or flu. Any member of the Wycliffe College community who is experiencing any symptoms related to cold, flu, or COVID-19 must self-isolate and complete the COVID-19 Reporting Form. It is critical that if you have at least one symptom of COVID-19 (fever, cough, or difficulty breathing), or even mild symptoms, you must self-isolate to avoid spreading illness to others. Immediate actions you should take include: Immediately isolate yourself to prevent any possible spread of COVID-19; Contact your local public health authority and follow their advice
After more than 30 years, Wycliffe College Professor of Scripture and Global Christianity Glen Taylor, has signalled his intention to retire at the end of the calendar year. He expects to remain closely connected to the College. Describing Glen as "a great asset to Wycliffe’s mission," and "one of the students’ favourite profs," in an email to faculty and staff, Principal Stephen Andrews observed that Glen has always taken a personal interest in the students' welfare, and in particular, in the welfare of the College's international students. In addition to mentoring students, Glen has
Fall 2020 is just around the corner and Wycliffe faculty and staff are busy making preparations for the new academic year. Returning Students: Watch your inbox for an email from the Registrar with everything you need to know to ensure a great fall semester. New Students: We are planning a series of Zoom sessions to help orient you to Wycliffe College and introduce you to your academic advisor and fellow students. Watch this space for dates and times, which will be posted here as they become available. International Students: We know you must have many questions surrounding travel restrictions
The latest edition of the Insight Magazine (our biannual magazine for Alumni and Friends) is available exclusively online this year. Find it at If you would like to receive the electronic version delivered directly to your inbox, please send us an email to ensure we have your most current email address.
The Toronto School of Theology / University of Toronto (of which Wycliffe College is a member) is once again at the top of the list in the QS World University Rankings for Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies: #1 in Canada, top 10 in North America, top 20 in the world! Congratulations to the hardworking faculty, staff, and students at TST's seven member colleges whose collective efforts merited this recognition once again. See the rankings.
After days of anti-Black racism protests around the globe responding to violence arising from centuries of racial oppression and systemic injustice—on Friday, June 5, 2020 at their regularly scheduled monthly meeting, Wycliffe College’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously to approve the following statement: “We affirm the dignity of every human being as a beloved creature made in the image of God, and we treasure the kingdom values of peace, justice, reconciliation, and loving concern for the marginalised. We are deeply saddened by the sin of racism that pervades our churches and society, and
Dear Friends, Wycliffe College has come under criticism in social media in the last couple of days because we have not made a statement about the violent protests arising from the brutal murder of George Floyd while in the custody of a team of policemen bearing the motto “To Protect with Courage, To Serve with Compassion!” So let me just say that I am certain that there is no one associated with this institution—staff, faculty, student, or Board member—who is not sickened by this event, or who is not filled with grief and sadness that our society is so broken. I realise that part of my job as