Professor Glen Taylor to retire


After more than 30 years, Wycliffe College Professor of Scripture and Global Christianity Glen Taylor, has signalled his intention to retire at the end of the calendar year. He expects to remain closely connected to the College.

Describing Glen as "a great asset to Wycliffe’s mission," and "one of the students’ favourite profs," in an email to faculty and staff, Principal Stephen Andrews observed that Glen has always taken a personal interest in the students' welfare, and in particular, in the welfare of the College's international students. In addition to mentoring students, Glen has supervised many doctoral students over the years, almost all of whom have found employment in their chosen field of Old Testament studies.

"He has helped to keep us focused on our evangelical identity," Andrews wrote. "While he is something of a linguistic geek, his warm, personal reflections on the Scriptures, especially in the informal settings of evening chapel services, are an inspiration to those of us who seek to integrate a heart and mind under the loving rule of Christ."

As he approaches retirement, Communications Director Patricia Paddey asked Glen to reflect on his life. We offer an abbreviated transcript of their telephone conversation in this week's blog post.