To commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation (1517 - 2017), Wycliffe College hosted a series of public events, intended to communicate the background, context, key personalities, and ideas of the Protestant Reformation, and to explore its legacy for the church today.

1.The Word is Near You: Seeds of Reformation.
A 12-week preaching series every Thursday on passages from Scripture that were key to the position of the Reformers. It will be edited by Peter Robinson and published in the series Wycliffe Studies in Gospel, Church, and Culture (Wipf and Stock). This series begins Thursday 14 September and will take place every Thursday for 12 weeks at 8:30 am at Founders' Chapel, Wycliffe College. It is also available on SoundCloud.
For more information, contact Rev. Annette Brownlee at 416-946-3540.

2. Of Passion, Politics, Power and Protest: Rediscovering the Reformation
A free, twelve-week, non-credit, online course providing an overview of the Reformation, its personalities, ideas, and legacies. Includes videos, course notes, audio slides, plus optional quizzes, discussion forums, and assignments.
The course will go from Sept 25 to Dec 15, 2017. Registration starts on Sept 18, 2017. See registration instructions (PDF, MS Word) and register on the CourseSite page!

3. "A Seminary in Which we Want only the Best Seeds to be Planted"
A virtual exhibition illustrating the changes to theological education in the sixteenth-century brought by the Reformation.

4. Manuscripts, Martyrs and Moveable Type: The Story of the English Bible
With dissemination of the Word of God being central to the commitments of the Reformers, this video series provides a detailed introduction to the story of the English Bible as depicted on the windows of Founders' Chapel, Wycliffe College.
>> Video Series: "Manuscripts, Martyrs and Moveable Type: The Story of the English Bible"

5. How the Reformation Made Our World (And It's Not Done Yet)
11 October, 2017, 3:00 - 4:30 PM
Location: Reading Room, Wycliffe College.
Professor Alec Ryrie, Reformation historian from University of Durham, UK, will address the impact of the Protestant Reformation then and now. "Martin Luther had unleashed a spiritual revolution that neither he nor anyone else could define or control. And it’s not over yet," says Ryrie in a blog post that he writes for us.
For more information, please contact Karen Baker-Bigauskas at 416-946-3521.

6. Principal’s Dinner
12 October 2017, 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
The Great Hall, Wycliffe College
Guest Speakers, Professor Alec Ryrie from University of Durham, UK, and the Rev. Patrick McManus, currently the incumbent of All Saints Kingsway in the Diocese of Toronto, will be speaking on "The Relevance of the Reformation Today."
To purchase tickets, visit the Principal's Dinner webpage.

7. The Bible and Mission in the Wake of the Reformation Conference
On Friday, October 13, Wycliffe College will be holding a one-day conference from 9am-4pm with top Reformation scholars, who will address
- Alec Ryrie, Reformation Historian from University of Durham
- Carl Trueman, Theologian & Church Historian from Westminster Theological Seminary
- Eckhard Schnabel, Early Church Historian from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and
- Cheryl Peterson, Theologian from Trinity Lutheran Seminary.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit our conference website.

8. Now Thank We All Our God: Hymns of the Reformation and the Rise of Congregational Singing
Wednesday, November 22, 3:00 - 4:30pm at Founders' Chapel, Wycliffe College
The Wycliffe College community will join in the celebration in song of hymns inspired by Reformation ideals with a theological introduction. It will be led by organist-choirmaster Giles Bryant. For more information, please contact Karen Baker-Bigauskas at 416-946-3521.