Joint Dinner Event with Wycliffe College, Christian Legal Fellowship, and Christian Medical and Dental Association

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On Tuesday, February 28th, over a hundred Christian health professionals, lawyers, ethicists, and students in related fields gathered for an evening of fellowship over dinner and presentations at Wycliffe College on the current state of assisted death in Canada. 

Expert panellists shared experiences in their respective fields, tips on handling challenging situations and conversations, and provide updates on advocacy efforts. Deina Warren, Director of Legal Affairs, Canadian Centre for Christian Charities, and Derek Ross, Executive Director of Christian legal Fellowship gave an overview of the current legal situation in Canada and advocacy efforts. Dr. Ewan Goligher, critical care physician, explored philosophical and ethical dimensions of the subject matter. 

The evening was closed with a Q&A session and the opportunity for participants to network. Members of the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Canada also had a chance to discuss with one another some of the impacts that medical assistance in dying (MAiD) have in the medical field and the challenges that medical practitioners are currently facing. Wycliffe College was honoured to be a partner of this gathering, which provided an opportunity for Christian professionals to gain a better understanding of this challenging topic, find support with one another, and explore together opportunities for advocacy.