Come to Israel - with Wycliffe College - in 2018

Israel sized

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. When is the trip being offered? The trip will extend from Feb. 14th - 26th, 2018, including flights to & from Israel.
  2. What are the basic costs: tour* ($2550 US), flights (approx. $1000 CA, you’ll book and pay for these directly).  *Single occupancy surcharge if travelling alone ($1050 US)
  3. Who is being invited to take part?  The trip is for Wycliffe students, faculty and staff, Board members, Wycliffe alumni, and the friends and family of any of those groups.  There are a maximum of 52 spots available, so feel free to invite a friend or two along! We’re hoping to have everyone registered by the end of September 2017.
  4. How safe is it to travel in Israel?  Israel is a country that (necessarily) takes security very seriously.  While parts of the Middle East are at times volatile, Israel itself is very safe for tourists due to the nation’s security measures and the fact that tourism is so important to all of the peoples of that land.
  5. What should I bring with me? As a seasoned traveller wisely said, “Pack your bag. Then take out half the clothes and put in twice the money.” This is generally good advice. There are definitely unique items created by Israel’s many artisans that you will only be able to find on such a trip. So don’t forget to leave room in your suitcase for a few things you’d like to bring home in memory of your experience. Olive wood carvings, embroidered textiles, lovely jewellery and amazing artwork & pottery can all be found in Israel. As far as clothes go, February will be cool and possibly rainy. So bring a warm rain-resistant jacket, and plan to layer with t-shirts, shirts and light sweaters. A hat, sunglasses, a small flashlight, an adapter for any electrical items you bring (information about this can be found on the website of Emmaus Educational Services under general information), light gloves, a swim suit and flip flops, small Bible, and camera will also be great to have with you. We are staying in 4-star hotels that provide soaps, shampoos, towels & hair dryers, so you won’t need to bring any of those with you. Hearty breakfast buffets and full dinners are included in the cost of the trip, but you may want to bring some money for purchasing light lunches and/or snacks. (American currency is recommended. Major credit cards are accepted throughout Israel.) Each person is allowed one suitcase and one small day bag.                                                                                                                 
  6. How will we be travelling within Israel?  We’ll be travelling in a touring coach; really comfortable and a great way to see the land! We’ll also be doing some walking, so bring comfortable walking shoes. While the pace of our walking will be leisurely there will be some hills involved, so if you have serious mobility challenges this particular trip may not be for you.                                                    
  7. What will we be seeing and experiencing? Come ready to be changed, as the Holy Spirit brings the Bible to life in a whole new way. Besides learning about the various sites, we’ll also be worshipping together each day. Over the next few months take a few minutes each day to ask God to use this trip to draw us closer to Him. For a detailed outline of the itinerary check out Emmaus online share the link ( with others who might be interested in the trip. (You can also find other general information about the trip on this site.)   
  8. Can Wycliffe students receive an academic credit for this? Yes, you can receive one biblical credit but you’ll need to register for the designated course through the Registrar (Barbara Jenkins) and complete the required readings and assignments, which will be marked by Andy Witt, a doctoral student in biblical studies who will also be participating in the trip. Normal course tuition will apply.

I’ll be in touch with everyone registered for the trip by the end of September when we expect to book our flights. Through the final months of 2017, I’ll be in touch again to answer any questions you might have and to make sure everyone is ready for the trip. In the meantime have a wonderful summer.

I’m looking forward to meeting you and travelling through this amazing land together!

Rev. Dr. Judy Paulsen

Professor of Evangelism

Director of the Institute of Evangelism