Condolences to family of Wycliffe Grad The Rev. Julie Burn

Wycliffe College extends special condolences to the friends and family of Wycliffe graduate, The Rev. Julie Burn, on the death of her father Christopher Riggs. (For more information see the notice below from the diocesse of Moosonee.

~Peter Mason


It is with deep sadness that I inform you that Christopher Riggs, a long time Vice Chancellor of our Diocese of Toronto and, for the last 6 years until October, the Chancellor of the Province, died peacefully last night after a long struggle with cancer.  His wife, Erica, was at his bedside in a palliative care unit in Toronto.  Plans are underway for a requiem Eucharist at Church of the Redeemer, Toronto, their long time parish home. (They also had a farm in Erin, in the Diocese of Niagara where they attended the local parish when in residence there.)  

The Requiem will be held on Saturday, January 23 at 1:30, with visitation at Humphrey Funeral Homes on Friday, January 22 from 7 - 9 pm. 

Christopher was a wonderfully gifted, gracious man of deep faith who made a lasting difference to the life of the Church in this diocese and province, particularly in his work on employment law, sexual misconduct and safe church policies, clergy appointment procedures, conflict arbitration, and in a multitude of behind-the-scenes consultations.  He was a current member of the Diocesan Council and Executive Board.  I am personally saddened by the loss of a close friend and trusted councillor.

May he rest in peace and rise with Christ in glory.


The Most Rev'd Colin R. Johnson,

Archbishop of Toronto and of Moosonee,

and Metropolitan of Ontario