John Wycliffe Morningstar - coming soon!

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The film "John Wycliffe Morningstar," produced by Trinity Digital Ltd., will be released this fall. 

Wycliffe College partnered in the production of this docudrama. (When you eventually do see it, watch for our Associate Producer credit at the end.) We did so because we believe that the story of our seminary's namesake - the fourteenth century scholar, priest, theologian, Bible translator and reformer John Wycliffe - still has relevance for today. Further, we recocognize that John Wycliffe's life, theology, and dedication to making the Scriptures available to people in their own language, which were shaped and motivated by his experiences as a witness to the Black Plague, are worthy of bringing before contemporary audiences. 

We hope to organize a screening of "John Wycliffe Morningstar," so watch for details in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, enjoy this newly released movie trailer