Since last summer, Toronto artist, Joyce Shin has been working with Wycliffe College to create original artwork depicting figures from Christian history like John Wycliffe, Thomas Cranmer, Julian of Norwich and others. Her elegant illustrations have become popular collector’s items throughout the Wycliffe and wider UofT communities. We spoke to Joyce about her work for Wycliffe.
Q: Prior to your involvement, had you ever heard of Wycliffe College?
JS: Honestly, no! I am, however, so glad to have learned about Wycliffe’s deep roots, beautiful space, and wonderful people through my recruitment.
Q: How would you say your Christian faith inspires you in your art?
JS: I’ve often wondered about the connection between my faith and art. Although not fully resolved, I’ve come to understand that people cannot create something from nothing. My art is derived from what I see and experience around me, namely God’s creation. The work of God’s hands is the very stuff of my art.
The practice of drawing has also drawn me into deeper reverence for God. When I sketch a subject, be it a person or a piece of broccoli, I become more keenly aware of the genius and beauty of God’s design. It fills me with awe to know that He has fashioned such intricacy, and dreamt up such bizarre and wondrous creatures in nature.
Q: What are your hopes for the materials Wycliffe is creating?
JS: My hope is that the materials Wycliffe creates would bring joy to students and staff and stir intrigue outside of Wycliffe’s walls. I feel like my hope has already come to fruition!