A Message from the Principal Search Committee

Dear Friends in Christ,

Warm greetings from Wycliffe College.

As many of you know, our Principal of 16 years, George Sumner, was elected Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas this past spring. George was consecrated bishop on November the 14th, 2015.
While this is a significant change for the College, the interim leadership of Bishop Peter Mason will keep Wycliffe moving in the direction started by George, and supported by our Board and friends like you. By faithfulness, hard work, and the help of many alumni and friends like you, together with the grace on which Wycliffe has depended for over 100 years, the College will continue to prosper in the tradition it has held for as many years.

As many of you know, Bishop Mason was Wycliffe’s 7th Principal, and he has referred to his return to Wycliffe as “a coming home”. His stable and seasoned hand is giving staff, faculty and students alike the immediate leadership the College needs in this time of transition.

Alongside this, the search for the new Principal is advancing well. The 13-member, Board appointed, Search Committee has completed its preliminary research and has finalized the guiding documents. These documents are a direct result of the survey, in which many of you participated – letting us know the type of candidate we should be seeking. (Over 1000 survey requests were sent out with an amazing number of responses!) Many of you also suggested people we should look at, or to, to find the right person. For this we are greatly thankful! Now, we are beginning to review applications in response to the Opportunity Profile which I invite you to read in this section of our new website. You will also find the names of search committee members.

At this time we would like to request one more thing of you. We invite you to pray, whether daily or weekly, for the Committee’s guidance through the search process. The Rev. Canon Dr. Reg Stackhouse, Wycliffe’s 6th Principal, has written a prayer for this purpose, which you will find below.

Thank you for your interest and faithful support of our ministry.

In Christ,

Bob Hamilton
Chair, Wycliffe Board of Trustees


Search Committee

Mr. Bob Hamilton, Committee Chair, Chair Wycliffe College Board of Trustees

Mrs. Carol Boettcher, Representative, Wycliffe College Board of Trustees

Mr. Ken Macdonald, Representative, Wycliffe College Board of Trustees

Mons. Bob Nusca, Toronto School of Theology Representative, St. Augustine’s Seminary

Mrs. Karen Baker-Bigauskas, Executive Administrator, Wycliffe College

Dr. John Bowen, Director, Wycliffe Serves!

Mr. Rob Henderson, Director of Development, Wycliffe College

Dr. Wanda Malcolm, Professor, Pastoral Psychology, Wycliffe College

Dr. Joseph Mangina, Professor, Systematic Theology, Wycliffe College

Mr. Joshua Martin, Advanced Degree Student Rep., Wycliffe Advanced Degree Student Association

Mr. Rob Montgomery, Basic Degree Student Rep., Senior Student, Wycliffe College

The Rev. Canon Jenny Andison, Wycliffe College Alumni Representative

The Rev. Canon Stephen Peake, Wycliffe College Alumni Representative


O God, who has led Wycliffe College forward through these hundred and thirty-eight years, we ask you now to guide the Trustees in their search for the person you have chosen to be Principal now and in the years to come; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen