Principal Andrews Shares in a CBS Podcast How His Views on the Bible Were Formed

Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews

In an in-depth interview with Canadian Bible Society Ambassador, Rev. Dr. Andrew Stirling, Principal Stephen Andrews shares how his views on the Bible were shaped by study, reflection, and the combined influences and knowledge of those God had placed in his path.

In the Scripture Untangled podcast, Principal Andrews said that while in his formative teen years the spark for Scripture was lit by his experiences in a Minnesota youth group, while on work camps in the Southern United States, it wasn’t until he had a foothold in ordained ministry that it was fanned.

A teenager through the Civil Rights Movement, Andrews was finding it difficult to reconcile the views of those in the South with the teachings of Christ, when a chance encounter with two university students changed his perspective and put him on the path to ministry.

The students told the Wycliffe principal that despite the skewed messages in society, discipleship boiled down to the giving of himself to Jesus, wholly; believing in him as his Lord and Saviour; and living a life of grace and forgiveness. With that foundation, Andrews’s perception changed, and so too did his Christian journey.

While working as a study assistant to John Stott, a British Anglican priest renowned for his work in strengthening the evangelical voice across established churches, particularly the Anglican Church, Andrews said his faith flame was further stoked, especially as they related to global evangelism. In fact, through his two-year stint with Stott, learning from the priest’s extensive university missions, helping draft important evangelical documents, forming of the Langham Partnership, and absorbing the many inspirational sermons and best-selling books, he gained invaluable expertise in serving various parishes across Canada, as well as how best to equip theological students for a life in ministry.

For more insights, listen to this enthralling interview here or by expanding the link below: Scripture Untangled, Season 7: Episode 10