Speed Mentoring with Wycliffe Alumni and Students

woman seated at desk waving at her laptop

On January 20, five Wycliffe Alumni gathered online with current students for Wycliffe’s second Speed Mentoring event. The results were as dynamic as anticipated.

Five Alumni volunteers from three distinct categories – church leadership, parachurch ministries, and academia – shared about their Wycliffe experience, calls to ministry, subsequent careers, and offered up lessons learned along the way. Students were divided into three groups and each group spent 20 minutes with mentors from one category before “visiting” another. Sixty minutes or so later, the event ended with current students having had a chance to pepper Alumni with questions – from how to be both a parish rector and a lecturer, to finding ministry opportunities outside of the Church. Students also asked Alumni what they would have wanted more of from their Wycliffe experiences.

A heartfelt thank you to the wonderful Alumni mentors: Jake Aikenhead (W12), the Rev. Dr Rob Hurkmans (W04/16), Joanna Moon (W13), the Rev. Dr Lane Scruggs (W11/18), and Dr Andy Witt (W18).