Do Bishops Deserve Due Process?

Date of publication

ACI has consistently sought to secure the mission and identity of The Episcopal Church within the larger Anglican Communion. Events such as the published proceeding against Bishop Duncan clearly belong to a larger effort to create an office of Presiding Bishop, and a way of proceeding in the present season, at odds with the constitution and canons of this church. We are for this reason concerned to publish the timely statement of Mark McCall.

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On Friday the Presiding Bishop notified the House of Bishops that she would seek the deposition of Bishop Duncan next week. This announcement was contrary to other public statements by her office and the published agenda of the upcoming meeting. Any bishops wishing to speak against this unprecedented use of summary procedures against a sitting bishop of the church were given five days notice. She also served notice that she intends to run roughshod over the canons in seeking to depose Bishop Duncan and that only a two-thirds vote of those present and voting will deter her. It will take two-thirds of the bishops present to overrule her gross misreading of the canons, but only a simple majority to remove without presentment or trial a diocesan bishop who even today is fulfilling his responsibilities as the bishop of Pittsburgh. Is TEC still under the rule of law?