Press Release: Communion Partner Rectors

Date of publication
The list of Bishops and Rectors associated with the Communion Partners Plan continues to grow, and is in the embryonic stages of planning opportunities to offer mutual support and strengthen its among Partner Rectors and Bishops, but also a growing number of Archbishops from around the Anglican Communion. At present, fourteen Bishops from around the Episcopal Church continue to build bridges of communication and support with over 35 rectors, with a constituent baptized membership of over 35,000. With the support of the Communion Partner Bishops*, an advisory Board for the Plan is guided by Communion Partner Rectors, The Reverend Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr., rector of St. Martin's, Houston; The Right Reverend Anthony Burton, Rector, Church of the Incarnation in Dallas; The Reverend Dr. Charles Alley, Rector, St. Matthews, Richmond, Virginia; The Very Reverend Anthony Clark, Dean, St. Luke's Cathedral, Orlando, Florida and The Reverend Leigh Spruill, Rector, St. George's, Nashville. As stated previously, Communion Partner Bishops and Rectors appreciate the serious challenges of this present season in our greater Communion and The Episcopal Church, and we understand that for some conservative constituents, another path may have been chosen.  But we pledge our prayers, our concern and hope that the Partners Plan will be a movement of keen Communion allegiance both within the Episcopal Church and the greater Anglican Communion at a time when the Episcopal Church (USA) will be considering its role within the wider Communion.  In brief, we are a group of rectors who share a common commitment to the authority and traditional interpretation of Holy Scripture, the creedal and historic faith, orthodox theology with an evangelical fervor to faithfully live and preach the Good News of Jesus Christ.  We are also firmly committed to remain in the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, respecting and honoring the proper authority of our Bishops and working in concert with them to strengthen our voice within the Church.  We wish to be on record in our enthusiasm for the Windsor and Covenant way forward, as the best means to extend and further the Communion as God has thus far blessed it throughout the world. The first gathering of Communion Partner Rectors will be held at St. Martin's in Houston, Texas on November 6th and 7th, 2008.  At this time, the meeting is only open to those rectors who have committed to participation in the Partners Plan.  We strongly encourage inquiring rectors to consult with their Bishop and vestries before agreeing to be a Communion Partner Rector; however, participation is certainly open to all rectors who are committed to the common vision shared above.  For more information, to become a Partner Rector or make plans to attend the fall event, please inquire with your full contact information at Communion Partner Rectors The Rev. Dr. Charles Alley Rector, St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, Viriginia Diocese The Rev. Phyllis Bartle Rector, St. Jude's Episcopal Church, Central Florida Diocese The Rev. Christopher Andrew Bowhay Rector, St. Thomas' Episcopal Church, Texas Diocese The Rt. Rev. Anthony J. Burton Rector, Church of the Incarnation, Dallas Diocese The Very Reverend Anthony Clark Dean, St. Luke's Cathedral, Central Florida Diocese The Rev. Anthony F. M. Clavier Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Northern Indiana Diocese The Rev. Mifflin Dove, Jr. Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Texas Diocese The Rev. Richard H. Elwood Rector, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Texas Diocese The Rev. Frank Fuller Rector, St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Texas Diocese The Rev. Ronald Greiser, Jr. Rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Southern Virginia Diocese The Rev. Laurens A. Hall Rector, St. John the Divine, Texas Diocese The Rev. Charles Holt Rector, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Central Florida Diocese The Rev. Thomas Hotchkiss Rector, Church of The Advent, Tennessee Diocese The Rev. Robert T. Jennings Rector, St. Francis in the Fields, Kentucky Diocese The Rev. Bennett G. Jones II Rector, St. Paul Episcopal Church, Northern Indiana Diocese The Rev. Stuart Brooks Keith, III Rector, Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration, Colorado Diocese The Rev. Jerome A. Kramer Rector, Church of the Annunciation, Louisiana Diocese The Rev. Ronald James LeBlanc Priest in Charge, Church of the Incarnation, Western Louisiana Diocese The Rev. Dr. Russell J. Levenson, Jr. Rector, St. Martin's Episcopal Church, Texas Diocese The Rev. John S. Liebler Rector, St. Andrew's Church and Academy, Central Florida Diocese The Very Rev. Dr. Jean McCurdy Meade Rector, Mount Olivet Episcopal Church, Louisiana Diocese The Rev. Mark A. Michael Rector, Saint Paul's Episcopal Church, Maryland Diocese The Very Rev. Timothy C. Nunez Rector, St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Central Florida Diocese The Rev. Gregg Riley Rector, Grace Episcopal Church, Western Louisiana Diocese The Rev. Mark Seitz Rector, St. Matthew's Episcopal Church, West Virginia Diocese The Rev. Bruce M. Robison, D.Min. Rector, St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh Diocese The Rev. Dr. Jerry Smith Rector, St. Bartholomew's Parish, Tennessee Diocese The Rev. Leigh Spruill Rector, St. George's Episcopal Church, Tennessee Diocese The Very Rev. Canon Harold L. Trott, SSC Vicar, Church of Our Saviour, Rio Grande Diocese The Rev. Eric W. Turner, Sr. Rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Central Florida Diocese The Rev. Guido Verbeck Rector, St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Western Louisiana Diocese The Rev. John T. Wells Rector, Episcopal Church Of The Holy Spirit, Texas Diocese The Rev. Stockton Williams Rector, St. Peter's Episcopal Church, West Texas Diocese The Rev. Michael Wyckoff Rector, St. Luke's on the Lake, Texas Diocese *Among the Communion Partner Bishops are included the Bishops of Western Louisiana, Tennessee, Western Kansas, Central Florida, Fon Du Lac, South Carolina, West Texas, Albany, North Dakota, Dallas, Texas and Rhode Island.