Gary Shaw

gary shaw

 Gary Shaw
Diploma in Lay Ministry, 2004
Master of Theological Studies, 2008

Before coming to Wycliffe College, I had a 35-year career in investment banking that included two tours of duty in London, England and one in New York. However, after joining the Church of England in 1989, I developed a sense of calling toward theological studies. Following my retirement from banking, I was looking for a second career. One of the priests at my church in Toronto had studied at Wycliffe and suggested I look there.

Having never taken any formal studies in religion or theology, I began with a Diploma in Lay Ministry to see whether I could handle this field of study. I found the program so much to my liking that I continued into the MTS. Initially my interests at Wycliffe were biblical studies and church history, but over time, I developed an interest in pastoral work and spiritual development. My master’s thesis was entitled "Confronting the Question of God, Evil and Suffering in the Context of Pastoral Ministry: Is Theodicy Relevant?"

After completing my Wycliffe studies, I was involved in charitable organizations and in numerous roles at my church, including prayer groups, pastoral work, lay anointing and Eucharistic ministry. In addition, I was a member of the Wycliffe Board of Trustees from 2008 to 2017 with a focus on development, and I continue as a member of the Development Committee. I also served as president and treasurer of the Wycliffe Alumni Association.

My favourite aspects of Wycliffe are the excellence of the faculty and administration and the wonderful community atmosphere at the College. I consider my years at Wycliffe to be one of the most significant periods of my life, a time of true conversion to a new life.