Women's Breakfast (Hybrid) April 6th 2024

Dr. Marion Taylor, Professor of Systematic Theology, Academic Dean

Wycliffe College's Great Hall and online over Zoom


Wycliffe College invites you the Women's Breakfast on April 6th, 2024. 

Offered in-person in Wycliffe's Great Hall, online over Zoom, and livestreamed for small groups & host churches.

Theme: Silent No More: Reformation Era Women who Refused to Be Silent

Join us for breakfast at Wycliffe College, online from the comfort of your home, or host a Women's Breakfast at your church or with your friends!

In addition to Dr Taylor's presentation and lively breakout group discussion, you will meet women currently studying at Wycliffe and hear more about their personal stories of calling as well as their journey of spiritual formation.

Tickets are $15 for the in-person event, and online tickets are free. The deadline to register is March 28th, 2024.

Consider donating to support bursaries for women studying at Wycliffe College! Tax receipts will be issued.

Marion Taylor

Dr. Marion Taylor
Professor of Old Testament & Graduate Director

Marion Taylor is a graduate of Yale university and has taught at Wycliffe College since 1986. In 2012, she published the award-winning Handbook of Women Biblical Interpreters: A Historical and Biographical Guide. Marion's commentary on Ruth and Esther was published in 2020 in Zondervan's Story of God series. She is very excited that the book that she co-authored with Joy Schroeder, Voices Long Silenced: Women Biblical Interpreters through the Centuries, which features more than 400 women biblical interpreters, was recently published by Westminster John Knox. Marion is currently working on a book on Paul through the eyes of women from the sixteenth to the long nineteenth century.