Vestigia Dei
Wycliffe College Blog

Vestigia Dei  – is a Latin term meaning “traces of God.” As a theological term it is associated with natural theology – that is, the view that there are vestiges of God within creation. We’ve chosen this term as the title of the Wycliffe College blog because our hope is that through these writings, readers might glimpse evidences for God as our writers interact with the wider world.

Blood, heart, and data: An imperfect reflection on what’s real

Scott Mealey

“And behold [David], you are caught in your own evil, for you are a man of bloodshed!” (from II Samuel 16:8)[1]

“…‘I have found David, the son of Jesse, a man after My heart…’” (from Acts 13:22)

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Embracing less certainty, more dependance

Melissa Ytsma

Over the past few months, I’ve had the absolute privilege of completing my Summer Parish Internship in İzmir, Türkiye (the new official name for Turkey).

Gospel Meditations and Prayers for Lent - Ash Wednesday

Peter Mason

Gospel Meditation for Ash Wednesday by Principal Peter Mason.