This course provides an introduction and overview to the core issues, approaches and players in faith-based community development, within Canadian and international settings. This course is interactive, and learner-driven, and is designed for non-profit, church and NGO leaders and practitioners. This course helps students build a theoretical and practical platform for their engagement with neighbourhood wellbeing, community change, issues of justice, and organizational development. Worldviews, approaches and actors are explored across the community development spectrum, as are the patterns and lenses of local organizations. Theories and models are examined which assess and address the local nature and dynamics of poverty, participation, power, assets and community ownership. The inter-relationships are explored between local government, business and civil society players in working with the marginalized and vulnerable.
Remote synchronous devliery only
Please note: All syllabi are considered draft until the first day of class. Please look for the final version of the course syllabus to be posted on the course's Quercus site.
Remote synchronous devliery only