The course will introduce students to the theological interpretation of John’s Gospel and explore its significance for Christian theology. Students will read a range of theologically engaged exegetes of John from across the centuries, seeking to understand their contributions both contextually and as part of a continuing dialogue about the interpretation of the Gospel. Particular attention will be paid to John’s Christology, soteriology, ecclesiology, and perspectives on Judaism. Students will also be introduced to methodological discussions about the nature of both theological interpretation and reception history as approaches to interpreting Scripture. The course also aims to equip students to assess the relevance of historic interpretations of John for understanding the Fourth Gospel and its theological significance today.
In-person class
This is a interdisciplinary course that contain biblical, theological and historical studies.
Basic degree students register for WYJ3111H. Advance degree students register for WYJ6111H.
Please note: All syllabi are considered draft until the first day of class. Please look for the final version of the course syllabus to be posted on the course's Quercus site.