Video recordings from the Messy Church Conference 2017:

If we try to take Jesus out of Messy Church, everything else falls apart. Conversely, if we keep returning to him, our Messy ministry reflects even better what God calls us to do in his name. What is it about this Jesus that is so attractive and how does a Messy Church embody this? How can we be the church the world needs?

Is Messy Church just a great way to get people into church or is it also a secret gift from God for making and growing disciples? What does Messy discipleship look like and how can we all keep on responding to the call of Jesus to follow him?

There are opportunities at every Messy Church session to talk – and to listen; to have the right words - and to let the environment speak for itself. How do we respond wisely to these opportunities in order to make a space for people of all ages to know and love the living God?
Presentation notes from the Messy Church Conference 2017:
So what exactly is Messy Church? The Basics – Presentation by Kerry Cromarty
Soul Song - The Music of Messy Church – Presentation by Nancy Rowe
Prayer The Messy Way – Presentation by Jane Hird-Rutter
Encouraging Men in Messy Church – Presentation by Mark Hird-Rutter
Living Like Jesus Discipleship - Reflection by Neil Mancor