The course will introduce students to the text of Galatians and to issues surrounding its interpretation. A range of scholarly debates about Galatians will be introduced, reflecting the significance of the letter for understanding Paul’s theology, especially his soteriology (justification by faith, participation in Christ), his ecclesiology (Jews and Gentiles as one people of God), and his engagement with Judaism and the law. Attention will also be paid to the historical issues surrounding the date and destination of Galatians and to reconstructions of the crisis that prompted Galatians, especially the identity of Paul’s opponents. Other issues to be explored include Paul’s use of Scripture and the work of the Spirit in the life of the church. This course also aims to assist students in appreciating the relevance of Galatians for contemporary contexts.
Please note that this course will be offered via in-person study and remote, synchronous learning. Depending on pandemic restrictions, in-person slots may be limited. If you would like to register for the in-person section, please register for LEC 0101. If you would like to attend remotely, please register for LEC 9101.
Please note: All syllabi are considered draft until the first day of class. Please look for the final version of the course syllabus to be posted on the course's Quercus site.