Traces the role of prophecy and millennialism in the context of radical political and social change in Britain and Ireland in the period 1789-1850. Considers the impact of the American and French revolutions and the Romantic movement in inducing a revival of millennialism in the early 19th century. Examines millennial beliefs and how they impacted broader political, social, and ecclesiastical contexts.
Please note that this course will be offered via in-person study and remote, synchronous learning. Depending on pandemic restrictions, in-person slots may be limited. If you would like to register for the in-person section, please register for LEC 0101. If you would like to attend remotely, please register for LEC 9101.
This is the BD section of the course, AD students please enrol in WYH6244HF.
Please note: All syllabi are considered draft until the first day of class. Please look for the final version of the course syllabus to be posted on the course's Quercus site.