Anglican Communion Institute (ACI)

An Open Letter to the Bishops Gathering at Lambeth

Open Letter to the Lambeth Bishops
To the Bishops gathering for the Lambeth Conference:

I write to you personally and openly.  I hope that at least some of you will take my words to heart, not because they are mine (which, on their own, would not count for much), but because they represent the mind, I believe, of many in the Communion who are not as vocal in the councils and organs of communication within our church as some.  

The Counterfeit Claims of SPREAD: On The Present Purpose of the One Anglican Communion

The Society for the Propagation of Reformed Evangelical Anglican Doctrine (SPREAD) recently issued an appeal that the Anglican Communion be split.  In particular, the appeal, entitled "Counterfeit Communion and the Truth that Sets Us Free", has urged that all those committed to the "Anglican Faith" which is "defined by the Church of England's Articles of Religion, 1662 Book of Common Prayer and the 1662 Ordinal" , "separate from" the Archbishop of Canterbury and form a new and properly orthodox Anglican Communion.  This "urgent call to action", the appeal says, will be presented to the ass

Communion Partners: A Means of Fellowship within the Anglican Communion


The American Episcopal Church has since its inception understood itself to be an integral part of a much broader Anglican reality. Unlike the Methodist Church, for example, it chose not to declare ecclesial independence in the American context, but carefully referred and deferred to the Church of England and to Anglicanism in the wider context of the British Isles.

Communion Partners Formed: Statement of Participating Rectors

Communion Partner Rectors

As a fellowship of Communion Partner Rectors, we welcome and support the release of the Communion Partner Bishops' Statement.  As this initiative moved forward, we felt it crucial to have the support of a growing group of rectors from Episcopal parishes throughout the United States and we will form a counterpart to Partner Bishops and Partner Primates.  We believe it important that we are a broad partnership, extended across dioceses of various levels of Communion commitment.