Rev. Dr. Ephraim Radner

The Counterfeit Claims of SPREAD: On The Present Purpose of the One Anglican Communion

The Society for the Propagation of Reformed Evangelical Anglican Doctrine (SPREAD) recently issued an appeal that the Anglican Communion be split.  In particular, the appeal, entitled "Counterfeit Communion and the Truth that Sets Us Free", has urged that all those committed to the "Anglican Faith" which is "defined by the Church of England's Articles of Religion, 1662 Book of Common Prayer and the 1662 Ordinal" , "separate from" the Archbishop of Canterbury and form a new and properly orthodox Anglican Communion.  This "urgent call to action", the appeal says, will be presented to the ass

Ephraim Radner Lectures on Conciliarism

I have been invited to talk about something called "conciliarism" and its relevance for our life as Anglican Christians.  There is an obvious reason for exposing this topic in a public forum within our church.  And this is because, in the current struggle within Anglicanism, we have, both by default and by design, ended up acting out a debate over whether our Christian lives as churches together are to be governed by "common consent" within a council, or by some other, more local, individual, or informal means.  And more generally, although conciliarism is not exactly a hot topic within the la

The Common Cause of a Common Light

The movement towards a separated North American Anglican church, aligned perhaps with one part of the Anglican Communion and not another, appears to be gaining steam.   The focus of the Anglican Communion Network's official leadership has shifted perceptibly towards this goal, overtly transferring its energies from its work as a coalition of American traditionalist bishops working representatively with the larger Communion, to the strategy of a "Common Cause" formation of a new ecclesial structure that would function either as a new Anglican Communion province, or as a province in a new altern

The Place of Confession in an Anglican Covenant: Outline

The following is an outline of a presentation given by Dr. Radner at the Wycliffe Hall conference, June 2007.

Remarks in this discussion build on the previous reflections on the "search for one-mindedness", according to Philippians 2.

1.  One-mindedness leads to a common confession.  But "confession" -- "speaking as one" - is bound to the same context of attitudes as one-mindedness, and cannot preempt the character of its search.

Lambeth Can Be What It Wants To Be

Why the wrangling over Lambeth?  If nothing else, the present debate over invitations to and attendance at the upcoming Lambeth Conference offers an important opportunity to reflect on the character of the Church as a body that gathers, takes common counsel, and makes representative decisions.  Specifically, some of the public statements over these matters being offered by various parties within the Anglican Communion expose some deep misunderstandings as well as some marvelous opportunities.