Rev. Dr. M. B. Davie

A Church of England Perspective on Anglican Arguments for Same Sex-Sex Marriage

The full version of this report (including footnotes) can be downloaded here in PDF format. Introduction: the development of the Anglican debate about same-sex relationships since 2000. In my previous roles as the Theological Secretary of the Church of England's Council for Christian Unity and Theological Consultant to its House of Bishops and in my current role as the Academic Consultant to the Church of England Evangelical Council, I have been tracking the development of the Anglican debate about same-sex relationships over the past fifteen years.

Following Christ the Lord


In this paper I examine theologically the nature of the Instruments of Communion and the proposal made about them in section 6 of the draft Anglican Covenant.

I begin by looking at what we mean by communion with the help of Andrei Rublev's icon 'The Old Testament Trinity,' before going on to look at how the word and the dominical sacraments are the primary means by which we enter into communion with God and each other.