TORONTO - Has a scientific explanation of the universe replaced the need for God as cause of its origins? Could life on our planet exist apart from divine intervention? Is there evidence for a designer?
Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto along with Faith Today magazine, Centre for Inquiry Canada, Network of Christian Scholars, Power to Change and RZIM Canada present the Religion and Society Series: God, Science and the Universe on March 19 at Convocation Hall at University of Toronto, or live streamed to sites across Canada and beyond.
Lawrence M. Krauss, Theoretical Physicist, Director of the Origins Project, Arizona State University will join Stephen C. Meyer Intelligent Design Advocate & NYT Bestselling Author and Denis O. Lamoureaux, Associate Professor of Science & Religion, St. Joseph’s College, University of Alberta at this live event.
The Religion and Society Series is a movement to generate conversations on the ultimate questions of life. The purpose of the Series is to play a catalytic role in helping community groups and churches across Canada to engage people in topics that deeply matter to individuals and society.