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The Anglican Diocese of Yukon invites you to a Ministry of Presence. You are called to take on an important voluteer role under the direction of the Bishop of Yukon amoung people in great need of pastoral care and ministry services. This is an incredible opportunity to serve and be stretched in your service for God. For more information visit their web site>> The Volunteer's Commitment The volunteer agrees to: Under the direction and authority of the Bishop of Yukon you will administer basic Sunday and emergency liturgical services. Under the direction and authority of the Bishop you will
Dr. Jonathan Turner from the U of T Career Centre is offering a session at Regis College for all TST students on Thursday February 11, 2016 starting at 4:00 pm on Career Planning and Workshop Staregies. The venue is Classroom B at 100 Wellesley Street West Topics included are the differences between a resume and C.V., cover letters to accompany applications, effective interview strategies and to introduce the resources available to all students in conjoint programs at the U of T Career Centre. Online Registration at or email
There are two new postions available at Wycliffe College: A full-time Development Officer and a Student Research Assistant. Please visit our Careers page for more information.
Wycliffe College extends special condolences to the friends and family of Wycliffe graduate, The Rev. Julie Burn, on the death of her father Christopher Riggs. (For more information see the notice below from the diocesse of Moosonee. ~Peter Mason ================ It is with deep sadness that I inform you that Christopher Riggs, a long time Vice Chancellor of our Diocese of Toronto and, for the last 6 years until October, the Chancellor of the Province, died peacefully last night after a long struggle with cancer. His wife, Erica, was at his bedside in a palliative care unit in Toronto. Plans
Dear Friends in Christ, Warm greetings from Wycliffe College. As many of you know, our Principal of 16 years, George Sumner, was elected Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas this past spring. George was consecrated bishop on November the 14th, 2015. While this is a significant change for the College, the interim leadership of Bishop Peter Mason will keep Wycliffe moving in the direction started by George, and supported by our Board and friends like you. By faithfulness, hard work, and the help of many alumni and friends like you, together with the grace on which Wycliffe has depended for
This January, John Bowen will hand over the leadership of the Institute of Evangelism to Judy Paulsen, the Professor of Evangelism. Learn more about the Institute of Evangelism here. Here the outgoing and the incoming Director of the Institute quizzed one another about the past and the future. Judy: So John, what do you feel most satisfied about as you look back on these nineteen years at the Institute? John: The main joy, I would say, is having seen generations of students pass through Wycliffe College, and know that I have had a small part in shaping them for their leadership in the church
Read our December 2015 edition of Insight Magazine online in PDF format.
The Graduate Centre for Theological Studies is now accepting applications from qualified candidates for admission into the MA, ThM, and PhD programs for the academic year 2016-17. Application instructions and the online application form may be found at How to Apply to Graduate Degree Programs. For further information, please see "Prospective Students" at or contact David Wagschal, GCTS Administrator at Application deadline for all programs is December 18, 2015, 4:30 pm EST. If spaces remain after the first round of applications, a second round of
WYCLIFFE COLLEGE Distinctly evangelical with deep Anglican roots, Wycliffe College faithfully serves the educational mission of the church by preparing men and women for pastoral ministry in the whole church, through excellence in theological scholarship and spiritual formation. Located at the very heart of the University of Toronto, Wycliffe College is one of the leading graduate theological colleges in Canada and serves over 300 full and part-time students. At the heart of Wycliffe is its internationally recognized faculty, devoted to academic excellence in service of the Gospel. Wycliffe’s
The Summer 2015 Edition of Insight Magazine is up available in PDF format.