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Applications for the Doctor of Ministry program are now open! The deadline for receipt of the application and supporting materials is November 25, 2016. The DMin is a 4 year program that helps students develop a critical and comprehensive understanding of the theory and practice of ministry and engage in critical reflection on their ministry in a collaboration with other students in the program. Those who have a Master of Divinity and at least 3 – 5 years of experience in parish ministry are encouraged to apply. Financial assistance is available through Wycliffe and you can inquire at
Wycliffe alumnus The Rev. Annie Ittoshat continues to serve as Aboriginal community minister for the Diocese of Montreal. Annie graduated Wycliffe College with an Master of Divinity degree. Through hospital visits, prison chaplaincy and regular services in Inuktitut within the diocese of Montreal, she serves the large population of Inuit in Montreal who have come from northern communities for employment opportunities, social services, or to seek medical treatment. With the return from the Anglican Church of Canada Resolution Corporation, the diocese was able to extend its support for this
A Time to Keep Theology, Mortality, and the Shape of a Human Life About the Book The miracle of birth and the mystery of death mark human life. Mortality, like a dark specter, looms over all that lies in between. Human character, behavior, aims, and community are all inescapably shaped by this certainty of human ends. Mortality, like an unwanted guest, intrudes, becoming a burden and a constant struggle. Mortality, like a thief who steals, even threatens the ability to live life rightly. Life is short. Death is certain. Mortality, at all costs, should be resisted or transcended. In A Time to
Wycliffe College would like to congratulate the Rev. Chris Harper, a Wycliffe alumnus, who has been appointed Indigenous Native Priest of Diocese of Toronto, Anglican Church of Canada. Chris was a Master of Divinity student at Wycliffe from 2002 to 2005 and he will be starting this new role beginning in September. To learn more about Chris and this appointment, please visit the Diocese of Toronto news page.
IN THIS ISSUE p3 Wycliffe's New Principle - Dr. Stephen Andrews p6 Convocation 2016 p11 Following the Light... p13 Alumni News p18 "Your Kingdom Come" p20 Summer Reading
Dear friends, On Wednesday, May 25th, we learned from Dr. Oliver O'Donovan of the sudden death of Prof John Webster at his home in St. Andrews, Scotland, where he was on the Faculty of Theology. He was 60 years old. John taught systematic theology at Wycliffe from 1986 until 1997 and influenced hundreds of students in both the basic and advanced degree departments, as well as within the wider international academic community through his writing and lecturing. Further details including funeral plans will be forthcoming. We send condolences to John's family, friends, and colleagues, and the
An interview with the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Paulsen on the newly developed Christian Foundations course is posted on Diocese of Toronto website.The course would teach the basics of Christianity to lay people and will begin starting September over nine Saturdays in 2016 and 2017. Workbooks are also available to be ordered individually for churches that already have people who can teach the material. Read the interview here and find out more about the course by visiting
Wycliffe College would like to congratuate Ann Jervis who has been elected a Senior Fellow of Massey College. Massey College at the University of Toronto provides a congenial intellectual environment for the exchange of opinions and ideas. Its members form a multi-disciplinary and diverse community that includes distinguished senior scholars and eminent members of society beyond the academic world. The Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, former Governor General of Canada, was one of the founders of the College. Its first Master was Robertson Davies. The current Master is Hugh Segal. To learm more about
The Wycliffe College Graduating Class of 2016 The Degree of Doctor of Ministry Andrew Mark Barron The Degree of Doctor of Theology Dane Neufeld David Paul Aikins Ney Christopher James Schoon The Degree of Master of Theology Maria Lourdes Nacpil (in absentia) The Degree of Master of Divinity, Honours Aidan Hunt Armstrong (Pioneer) Elizabeth Anne Fisher Lyndon Micah Jost Jeffrey Scott Potter (Pioneer) John Deepak Sundara (Pioneer) David James Thompson The Degree of Master of Divinity Philip Charles Hamilton (Pioneer) Sea Young Lee Yi Kai (James) Liu Patricia Lynn Miller Robert Philip Montgomery
Official Press Release DR. STEPHEN ANDREWS SELECTED AS THE NEXT PRINCIPAL OF WYCLIFFE COLLEGE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. TORONTO, Ontario – April 22, 2016 – The Board of Trustees of Wycliffe College at the University of Toronto, is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews as the 10th Principal of Wycliffe College. Stephen Andrews has worked in ministry, theological scholarship, and higher education for over 30 years, and is currently the Anglican Bishop of the Diocese of Algoma in Ontario. He earned his Master of Divinity at Wycliffe College and holds a Doctor