TORONTO—Wycliffe College is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Mark Elliott as part-time Professorial Fellow, beginning April 1, 2019. In his capacity as an Associate Member of the Toronto School of Theology (TST), Dr. Elliott will assist the College in teaching and providing direction for doctoral research in the areas of patristics, the history of the interpretation of Scripture, biblical and systematic theology.
Dr. Elliott comes to Wycliffe from Glasgow University, where he is Professor of Divinity. A former Assistant Director at the Whitfield Institute in Oxford, he has held teaching posts at Liverpool Hope University College and, most recently, at St. Andrews University, where he taught for fifteen years. While there he served for three years as the Head of the School of Divinity. He is a Member of the Working Group, La Bible et ses traditions, L’Ecole Biblique, Jerusalem, and serves on the editorial board of Renaissance and Reformation Review. He has held fellowships at Theologische Universiteit, Kampen, and Keble College, Oxford, and is currently Honorary Supervisor at Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.
For the last decade Professor Elliott has been the Chair of the History of Interpretation Section of the Society for Biblical Literature and has also served as Director of the Institute for Bible, Theology and Hermeneutics at St. Andrews. He is collaborating with Professor David Fergusson on a project on the History of Scottish Theology. He is in demand as a speaker internationally and has lectured in Canada, the US, Australia, and across Europe (in both French and German).
Wycliffe Principal, Bishop Stephen Andrews, said that he was thrilled to announce Mark’s appointment. “Professor Elliott is an outstanding scholar with an international reputation. He will add depth to our faculty as we build our Wycliffe Centre for Scripture and Theology. He also has a heart for the Church and for the College’s mission: ‘To educate people for practical ministry and theological scholarship in Christ’s global church and the world.’ His volunteer work with Langham Partnership, which supports doctoral students from the Majority World, complements our program very well as we have three Langham Scholars at Wycliffe now.”
Professor Ephraim Radner welcomed the announcement, saying, “Dr. Elliott’s intellect and scholarship is unique in the breadth of its interests, its mastery of resources, and its creative acuity. His presence at Wycliffe will be a boon to students and a source of joy to his colleagues.”
Dr. Elliott is the editor of nine books, and the author of eight, including Providence: a biblical theology (Baker, forthcoming); The reality of Biblical Theology (Peter Lang, 2001); Isaiah 40-66 in the Ancient Christian Commentary Series (IVP, 2007) and The Song of Songs and Christology in the Early Church, 381-451 (Mohr Siebeck, 2000). He is working on a theological commentary on the Psalms for Continuum—T&T Clark. He has published numerous articles and book chapters for such reference works as Das Handbuch der Bibelhermeneutiken (2016), The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Theology (2016), The Oxford Handbook of Christology (2015), The New Cambridge History of the Bible (2015, 2013), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Biblical Interpretation (2013), and The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology (2011). He holds a BA in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford, a BD from Aberdeen University and a PhD from the University of Cambridge.
Dr. Elliott will be teaching his first course at Wycliffe in late April, co-leading a graduate seminar with Ephraim Radner on the “unity of the church.” The Wycliffe and TST community will have a chance to welcome him as well on May 9, when he will serve as the Respondent to papers presented at Wycliffe’s Spring Colloquium on Scripture and Theology (“The Identity of Israel”). Check the Wycliffe website for further details.
About Wycliffe College:
Wycliffe College is a graduate theological school, affiliated with the University of Toronto and Toronto School of Theology. Located at the centre of the University of Toronto in the heart of Canada’s most multicultural city, Wycliffe College is an evangelical seminary with roots in the Anglican tradition, educating and equipping students to thrive as future Church and community leaders.
Founded in 1877, Wycliffe today is one of this country’s largest seminaries. It boasts a world-class teaching staff, fees among the most affordable in Canada, and a low student-to-faculty ratio. Known for an enduring commitment to intellectual rigour, evangelical vision, and practical action, Wycliffe College attracts more than 250 students from a broad range of denominations, backgrounds and nations each year.
Stephen Andrews
Wycliffe College Ph: (416) 946-3535 (X 3521)
Email: sgwa@wycliffe.utoronto.ca
Web: https://www.wycliffecollege.ca