This pass/fail course builds on the material offered in Boundaries & Bridges and is designed to expand students’ mastery of the practices essential to effective and ethical pastoral care. This course requires attendance in the in-class component of the course and weekly group supervision at the hospital, plus participation in skills practice triads for the equivalent of approximately two full days per week for the 12-weeks of the fall and winter semesters of the academic year. The course instructor and field education supervisor work collaboratively and are in regular communication about students’ progress in the course.
The primary focus of this course is to provide students with opportunities to learn and demonstrate their ability to:
• understand and embody the principles of bringing themselves to ministry with skill, authenticity and integrity (i.e., responsible self-leadership)
• articulate a pastoral image of themselves that is lived out in their pastoral functioning
• skillfully engage in a range of pastoral skills essential to providing pastoral care to diverse populations
• competently and accurately assess the strengths and needs of those they are serving pastorally
• Integrate their conceptual in-class learning with the practice of pastoral care in the field education placement
The overarching goal of this course is for each student to gain the requisite skills involved in becoming a person who values and has the ability to offer sensitive and effective pastoral care, is committed to the ongoing task of developing their capacity for ethical thinking, and consistently behaves with authenticity and integrity.
Students may not enroll in this course until they have successfully completed Boundaries & Bridges. Students are also required to take part in an admission conversation with the course instructor and internship supervisor prior to being permitted to register in the course. Admission conversations will take place during the semester prior to the start of this course. No exceptions to these requirements will be made based on other courses previously taken at other schools.