Wanda MalcolmProfessor Emerita of Pastoral PsychologyPhD in Clinical Psychology (York)BA (York), MA (OISE, U Toronto)Wanda Malcolm is Professor of Pastoral Psychology, teaching courses in the formation of pastoral care ministry, pastoral psychology, and forgiveness and reconciliation. She also has a private practice in clinical psychology (www.drmalcolmpsychologist.com). As a clinician who teaches, Wanda brings to Wycliffe an interest in the interface between pastoral theology and psychology. Her teaching focuses on the practical and constructive ways in which these disciplines offer separate but not unrelated perspectives on responsible self-care and effective self-leadership in providing ethical and sensitive pastoral care. Prior to coming to Wycliffe, Wanda was a faculty member of Tyndale University College for five years. Her PhD research supplies the foundation for her workshops and teaching in the area of forgiveness and reconciliation, in the wake of interpersonal hurtfulness within close relationships. Wanda’s primary focus at Wycliffe is to promote practices of self-care that reflect each person’s unique value in Christ and that replenish spiritual and psychological resilience. Students who take Wanda's course Boundaries and Bridges: Care of Self, Care of Others reflect on and cultivate their gifts and strengths in ethically and spiritually responsible ways, as they prepare for and go about the (lay or ordained) ministry each of them is uniquely called to in Christ. Wanda has the privilege and pleasure of being the mother of Tyler, Van, and Leah, and the mother-in-law of Christine. She and her husband Stan particularly enjoy family gatherings at their cottage, where kayaking, gardening, reading fiction, and enjoying friendly board game competitiveness are among Wanda’s favorite restorative pastimes. Pastoral Psychology, Ministry Stress and Well-Being, Pastoral Self-Care, Personal Well-Being, Ministry Satisfiers, Forgiveness and Reconciliation
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