The Anglican Communion Institute, Inc.

A Response to Mark McCall's "Is the Episcopal Church Hierarchical" from Progressive Episcopalians in Pittsburgh

We have been alerted by a group called "Progressive Episcopalians in Pittsburgh" that they are to post a response to Mr McCall's essay which appeared earlier on the ACI website. We have seen the response of Dr Gundersen, and we understand it is now before the public. It is vital that there be an opportunity for discussion of these important issues. Our comment for now is as follows. "The Anglican Communion Institute is pleased that Mark McCall's serious paper is receiving wide consideration. It should be read carefully by all who are interested in TEC's polity. Unfortunately, Dr.

Constitution And Canons: What Do They Tell Us About TEC?

"Is The Episcopal Church Hierarchical?" Full Download (PDF Format) Near the center of the struggle now going on about the future of the Anglican Communion lays a dispute over the nature of the polity that ought to order its life in the years ahead.  From the beginning of the debate, The Episcopal Church (TEC) has claimed that its form of governance is unique, and that the Communion as a whole ought to take this fact into account as decisions are made about future relations between its various Provinces.

Presentment Memorandum


MEMORANDUM TO:  Working Group                         April 21, 2008

                         FROM:  [Redacted]

                                RE:  Canonical Violations

The Archbishop of Canterbury's Advent Letter of 2007:The Significance for Anglican Communion Life

The long awaited Advent Letter promised by the Archbishop of Canterbury is now in the public arena. It is a remarkable piece of work-one that deserves careful reading and reflection on the part of all. Its rich theological content and wise procedural protocols will place it, along with the Windsor Report and the Communiqué from Dar es Salaam, in the center of all future discussions of the nature and calling of the Anglican Communion.

"We Know What Hour It Is": A Comment on the Advent Pastoral and Common Cause

December 17, 2007
Four years ago ACI traveled to Orlando to help constitute what became known as the "Network". Martyn Minns, David Anderson, other conservative leaders and clergy, Bp. Robert Duncan and a cadre of bishops from conservative dioceses were there.
Tensions became apparent after 24 hours and the bishops withdrew. The meeting was brought to a close with only a part of the agenda fulfilled. It was apparent that some were not happy with the direction of those who wished to form, as it would transpire, a 'new ecclesiastical jurisdiction.'