The Anglican Communion Institute, Inc.

A Statement Regarding Upholding the Ministry of Faithful Bishops

Many Anglicans were convinced that September 30th, 2007, would bring clarity to the ongoing struggle within the Anglican Communion over the church's coherent witness.  By this day, it was hoped, there would be a clear decision as to the Episcopal Church's House of Bishops commitment to abide by the common teaching and discipline of the Communion; by this date "realignment" according to the definitions of this teaching and discipline would proceed with general and orderly consent.  Obviously, this has not happened.  But a new push to re-order the lines of jurisdiction within American Anglicanis

Enhanced Responsibility: What Happened? Three Points and Four Questions in Our Present Season

Facing the possible fracture of the Anglican Communion, the Meeting of Primates met in Dar es Salaam and there issued a Communiqué intended to prevent fragmentation both of the Communion and of The Episcopal Church (TEC) and to "promote healing and reconciliation within the Body of Christ."   In particular the Primates agreed to support a pastoral response that included both a temporary Pastoral Council and a Primatial Vicar whose roles would involve maintaining order, oversight, and engagement among various parties in conflict within TEC and North America.  Specifically, they agreed th

ACI Appoints Treasurer

The Anglican Communion Institute is pursuing incorporation in the state of Texas, and the process should be concluded in good time. We have received excellent legal counsel. In many ways this move is a reversion to the status we had at SEAD for over a decade. We are grateful that the Revd Frank Fuller has agreed to serve as Treasurer and Mr Craig Uffman as webmaster. We have seen profit in adjusting our domain name at this time to The older site will automatically convert to the new one.

Questions We Avoid At Our Peril

The Anglican Communion Institute has argued consistently for solutions to our present conflicts that preserve the integrity of The Episcopal Church (TEC), the Anglican Communion (AC), and the full membership of TEC in that Communion. The overwhelmingly negative response of the House of Bishops to the proposals from Dar es Salaam made by the Meeting of Primates (MP) leaves little doubt in our minds that the Bishops and Dioceses of TEC will soon have to decide two crucial questions that touch the very center of these concerns.

TEC and the Anglican Communion - On the Eve of the Upcoming H

We are grateful for the general direction and careful recommendations offered by the Primates in their Dar es Salaam Communiqué. With them, we share the "belief that it would be a tragedy if the Episcopal Church was to fracture", and with them "we are committed to doing what we can to preserve and uphold its life". But the Primates are right in noting that, whatever their particular recommendations may be for The Episcopal Church, they are only recommendations: "such change and development which is required must be generated within [TEC's] own life" (28).

ACI's Proposal for an Interim Arrangement While Awaiting a Conciliar Communion Covenant

The new Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church and a group of like minded bishops have just released a proposal to address an appeal by a number of dioceses for Alternative Primatial Oversight/Relationship.

It must be pointed out that this appeal was originally to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and thereby to the Primates of the Communion, and not to the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, she herself symbolizing the very problems necessitating such alternative arrangements.