The Anglican Communion Institute, Inc.

The Quincy Three, The Fort Worth Seven And Title IV: What Now?

By "¨The Reverend Canon Professor Christopher Seitz The Reverend Dr. Philip Turner The Reverend Dr. Ephraim Radner "¨Mark McCall, Esq. This weekend's news that Title IV "complaints" have been lodged against nine bishops brings together two matters that have long concerned ACI. The first is the polity of The Episcopal Church. For several years ACI has advocated the same understanding of TEC governance as the accused bishops.

The Communion After Williams

Rowan Williams' formal announcement of his resignation at the end of the year as Archbishop of Canterbury comes as no surprise.  Well-sourced public rumors had been circulating for some months. It will take time to provide an accurate assessment of his tenure.  He came to the position as the most highly touted Anglican theologian in generations.

South Carolina: The Church Needs Transparency

by The Reverend Dr. Philip Turner Mark McCall, Esq. We have considered carefully the available information related to the allegations against Bishop Mark Lawrence that are currently under review by the Disciplinary Board for Bishops. That information discloses an extended and troubling sequence of events that raises serious questions about transparency in the church. We note the following: In January 2010, Thomas Tisdale sent nine letters to the Diocese of South Carolina requesting voluminous documents from the diocese and its parishes.

Title IV: Abandonment Without Offense?

Bishop Dorsey Henderson, President of the Disciplinary Board for Bishops, has responded to questions concerning the canonical process underway involving Bishop Mark Lawrence. We appreciate his clarification on a matter of great interest to the church. Many in the church had assumed that the Lawrence matter was being processed by the normal intake procedures specified under the new Title IV.

Title IV In Action

The Reverend Canon Professor Christopher Seitz "¨The Reverend Dr. Philip Turner "¨The Reverend Dr. Ephraim Radner "¨Mark McCall, Esq. ACI has long been concerned about the provisions of the new Title IV. We first raised our concerns about the constitutionality of the new canons in a memorandum circulated privately two years ago. This eventually made its way to those responsible for drafting and implementing the new canon, who later replied"”unsatisfactorily from our perspective.