The Anglican Communion Institute, Inc.

Polity "Primer": ACI Response

An "Ecclesiology Committee" committee advising the House of Bishops has released a "Primer" on polity prepared with the assistance of various consultants identified at the end of the document. The identity of those preparing this document"”most have participated as counsel or witnesses or have been listed as potential witnesses in the various lawsuits"”makes obvious that the primary purpose of this document is its perceived usefulness in litigation. ACI principals have also appeared as witnesses in this litigation. This is our response to the claims asserted in this Primer. 1.

Conciliation Accord: What It Means

The recent Conciliation "Accord" announced between several bishops and their accusers over charges they violated canons in filing an amicus brief in Texas is a minor event.  But it does fit well into a larger and disturbing pattern of TEC's current leadership. That complaints were filed and charges brought against the bishops in the first place, such as to make this conciliation process necessary, represents gross misconduct on the part of the complainants in Fort Worth and of the Presiding Bishop's office.

Open Letter to the Bishops of The Episcopal Church

available in printable format (PDF) To the Bishops of the Episcopal Church: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This is a painful letter. It is painful because it concerns un-canonical (and perhaps even unlawful) actions on the part of our Presiding Bishop and her associates. These actions, detailed in the attached appendix and summarized in the bullet points below, have already undermined the good order and spiritual health of our church. We write to you our Bishops because of your responsibility for that good order.

South Carolina: A Communion Response

Yesterday Bishop Christopher Hill of Guildford, the chairman of the Church of England's Council for Christian Unity, advised that church's General Synod of developments in South Carolina: On Saturday, a Special Diocesan Convention endorsed the South Carolina withdrawal from The Episcopal Church. The Bishop has stated that their position would be to remain within the Anglican Communion as an extra-provincial Diocese. The Episcopal Church on the other hand maintains that General Convention consent is necessary for any withdrawal.

Polity Politics or The Rule Of Law? A Response To Bishop Whalon

Bishop Pierre Whalon's recent essay, "Polity Politics," offers a critique of the amicus curiae brief submitted to the Texas Supreme Court by ACI and seven bishops of The Episcopal Church. Surprisingly, there is much with which we agree in this essay, especially the conclusion Bishop Whalon reaches at the mid-point that "on the face of it, the seven bishops are right." He goes on to assert that although we are right "on the face of it," we are nonetheless ultimately wrong in light of his interpretation of TEC's history, Constitution (which he never quotes) and ordination vows.